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Big Brother 19 – Last Live Show Before The Finale!

September 14, 2017 | 173 Comments
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Author: Steve Beans

I had to use a Shelby picture because she made the best faces

Good everyone, everyone! I can’t believe it. It’s the last live eviction show before Paul is crowned winner of Big Brother 19… oops, I mean until someone is crowned winner *wink wink*

Conspiracy theorists, relax. It’s a joke. Paul could actually lose this and I’ll tell you why. While he was playing chess and his opponents were playing checkers, he now has to convince at least 5 jury members who don’t understand chess that he was playing the smarter game. Weird analogy, I know, but hear me out. In all his strategic moves, he managed to look like an ass to a good portion of the jury. The way he betrayed Alex and Jason who really thought (for some reason) they had a final 3 with him will be a tough sell. Now let’s assume he takes Josh like he is currently planning, that means the girl who went on a very expensive date with him (Christmas) will look like an idiot on national TV and may be a bit bitter that night (similar to Jason’s reaction). Especially considering she was cheering him on when he won HoH and was one of the key people to mock Cody for “throwing his game away” for Jessica.

We then have the Mark and Elena situation which is a tough one for Paul. He never really connected with either of them while Josh actually did. Sure, Mark and Josh have their history of fighting, but there is also a mutual respect between the two. The same goes for Elena who was closer with Josh even through the fighting and bullshit.  I would put money on Mark and maybe even Elena voting for Josh based on their personalities and connections this season.  On the flip side, you have Cody who has the same mutual respect thing with Paul as Mark does with Josh and Cody absolutely cannot stand Josh no matter how pissed he is at Paul. I just cannot see Cody ever casting a vote for Josh because there is some deep hatred there. Then comes tweedle dee and tweedle dumb (Matt/Raven) who are likely locks for Paul because they’re still too clueless to be bitter.

That means I’m looking at…

For Paul – Cody, Matt, Raven
For Josh – Mark, Elena

Leaning Josh – Christmas
Leaning Paul – Alex, Jason, Kevin

Ok, I guess he likely won’t lose no matter what. The numbers are just not adding up for Josh with Matt and Raven as locks for Paul. Reality is, Paul will probably end up winning 7-2 or maybe even 9-0.  Fun? Sorry, but I tried to give you guys some hope. I want to be wrong, but I did this last year and actually predicted Nicole winning 5-4 (check the bottom of this page). The only votes I got wrong were James and Zakiyah.  #humblebrag

Time for updates….

  • Still 2 more hours for the show but I decided to write this early to make sure site is stable tonight
  • Ok, here we go!  Site still having issues because of course it is, but I’m going to just deal with it tonight because it’s live.
    • Alex – “Top two… top two… top two!!”  hahaha
    • Looks like we’re going to see the jury house tonight!
    • Of course during the highlights they show a cackle from Christmas ugh
  • Jury house time!
    • Cody says he doesn’t enjoy jury and wants out lol
    • Mark asks who he thinks is running the BB house and Cody says he doesn’t care
    • Cody says he thinks Matt is just a big pussy
    • Matt tells the house on the plan to backdoor Kevin and Mark asks why because Kevin can’t win anything
    • Mark tries to involve Cody in the conversation and he walks away
    • The jury house laughs that Christmas won the running comp
    • Second eviction in a row, they laugh that Kevin was supposed to be backdoored
    • Cody approves of Jason’s exit
  • Commercial break
    • I like the four person to jury segment in one night because it ties things together
    • Raven tells the group that Alex has no idea that Paul was in on the plan
    • Raven says she wants Paul to go to the end because they were in an alliance
    • The house laughs at her and Elena laughs really hard
    • Now Alex enters the jury
    • Time to give Alex another good edit
    • Jason tells Alex that they can’t vote for Paul in the end
    • He continues that Raven claims to be the puppet master allied with Paul
  • Commercial break!
  • Time for Paul to win the veto comp. I just wonder if the other three try
    • I remember last year they had hands and feet for this comp. Just sayin….
    • Paul wins veto comp easily
  • Time for Paul to not use veto and Christmas evict Kevin
    • Paul doesn’t use veto
    • Christmas evicts Kevin

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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
More stats to come!
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