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Big Brother 20 – Final 4 Options

September 19, 2018 | 60 Comments
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Author: Mel

It’s a great morning! Steve stayed up late to give you the update on the final 4 hoh results and there isn’t anything for me to recap since the only feeds we saw were brief and from yesterday morning. Just like Steve, I recycled an image in case you’re trying to avoid spoilers. (If you are, you may want to stop getting on spoiler sites until tonight, just sayin’.  Stop reading now if you don’t want to know who won) I don’t think one last look at Sam’s craft table gives much away since I doubt anyone thought she would avoid eviction yesterday.

Sam left as we expected and had an interview with Julie and an audience that was probably CBS employees/guests. I wonder if her new BF was there?  I think Sam will have a good time in the jury house. She doesn’t care about the game so she shouldn’t have anything to be bitter over. I’m hoping for a jury segment tonight or tomorrow just to see how bitter they might be. Things have time to change but it at least gives us an idea of where their heads are as of now.

JC won the hoh last night according to the Vegas leak. Before they came out with the info, I saw it leaked on a podcast to Brent Wolgamott. It was from someone who claimed to be in the audience at the time. I didn’t run to the site to comment because it could have been a rumor or a bad joke at the time and hadn’t been confirmed. According to Vegas,  JC nominated Tyler and Angela last night. This pic doesn’t have anything to do with anything, it’s just one of my favorites. We know JC is NOT angry today!

Anyone reading the morning recaps knows I’m not upset by this news. It also seems like people who don’t even like JC are excited because it gives us some much needed excitement.  If you’re going to root for an underdog this year, why not root for one who’s actually played pretty well? (Sorry Foutte) Before all the conspiracy cry babies start in about it being tailor made or rigged  for JC, you should know the comp was “What the Bleep?” They do this one every year in recent years so nothing was tailored for JC to win. (Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure production wasn’t crying last night over it) On the flip side, we shouldn’t start getting excited about JC winning the veto.  I think the odds are higher Tyler will dumb Angela and start dating JC than JC winning the veto. Veto’s are usually physical comps and I don’t think he has a chance in hell of pulling it off against the comp skills of the other three. Sure, anything can happen but I’m not thinking about that scenario until I see it happen because I think it’s a waste of time.

I’m very happy for JC because not only did he get himself to the F3, he’s been trying hard to win one and he’s came in 2nd in a few of them. Here are some stats to show how competitive this season has been:

  • 10 of the 16 hg’s won hoh.
  • It was week 9 (over halfway) before there was a repeat hoh winner.
  • Only 4 of the 16 hg’s didn’t win a comp. (3 of the 4 left before jury)
  • Only 2 people out of the 16 were left out of a win or a punishment/task. (That doesn’t represent being competitive but does show involvement in what’s going on)

JC may have gotten himself into the F3 but the F2 will still be a struggle. (I’m only assuming, Tyler sure doesn’t tell us what he’s thinking, especially for a superfan!) The last sincere info we heard from him was when he said he wanted KC and JC in the F3 with him. (Don’t buy into the DR stuff that sounds scripted. I don’t think production wants to show what his plans are because it’s one of the only surprises left) Since Tyler said JC & KC, two big things have changed. He fell in love with Angela and Scottie came back to tell everyone how much the jury hated Angela so far. That makes me think he’ll want to take Angela. However, he’s still having F2 talks with KC so that made me think he wanted JC out and knew both Angela and KC would’ve taken him to F2. With JC winning, does he want KC out? Is he ignoring the jury hate for Angela, wants to stick to his original plan but wants someone else to do it? I honestly have no idea. If he’s smart, he’ll want to take Angela but if he wants that, he needs to slow his roll with KC and the F2 talk. Tyler tends to drop subtle hints before making a move and I’ve heard nothing like that towards KC. If he’d been doing that, I’d be more convinced of his plans. It sounds like I’m making Tyler the center of the BB universe but he is in this case. No one wants Tyler out so what he wants to happen becomes the most important piece of the puzzle.

Everything depends on the veto this week but no matter who wins it, there’s an upside and a downside for all of them. There isn’t the obvious “correct move” in this situation and that’s an indication of how competitive this season’s been.  It’s easy to say if JC was smart, he’d try to keep Angela in the house because everyone can beat her in the end. Downside: Angela would never take JC to the F2 so why would he want her in the house at F3? It increases his chances of being cut.

If Tyler has to choose between KC & Angela, (the most exciting thing that could happen imo) we think he should keep Angela too. She will take him to the F2 and he’ll probably beat her. Are we sure about that though? I DO think he beats her but I think Tyler is the only person who could potentially lose to Angela. (I think KC & JC beat her for sure) Hear me out before you start thinking I’m crazy. If you already think I’m crazy for other things I’ve said, hear me out anyway because you’ve already read this far, may as well finish.

We have to remember, most of the jury has the impression that Tyler is a puppy who followed Kaitlyn around. They also think he’s done Angela’s bidding after Kaitlyn left. He isn’t given much time to change the way they view the situation during F2 questions and Angela’s been given credit for some of Tyler’s game so far. KC knows it isn’t true but if she leaves this week, she won’t even go to the jury house. She’ll meet up with the jurors at the filmed discussion that Dr. Will usually hosts. It’s also assuming that she’d even want to help Tyler because she may feel really betrayed if he keeps Angela over her. (If Angela wins the veto and evict KC, it would be fine but she still wouldn’t have much time with the jury)  If the jury votes for game reasons, based on what they may think, she could actually beat him. If they did the jury questioning the way they used to, I think Tyler would beat everyone and fairly easily. (That’s one of my biggest pet peeves with the game changes. The jury used to question the F2 for an hour or more, go back and discuss what they heard and then have the finale. Now they ask stupid questions and the F2 are lucky if they can work some game accomplishments into the answers. This was also back when the last juror had more than 5 minutes to decide who to vote for too.)

KC has the most clear cut choice out of anyone if she wins the veto but she isn’t planning on making it. KC needs Tyler to go this week but I don’t even think she’s considering it. Tyler is her toughest competition for the win imo. She said she thought they were just like Derrick and Cody and it’s too bad she’s ok with being Cody. I still think KC could beat Tyler but not easily and taking him is a BAD choice. If she wins the veto and cuts him, I think she’ll have played almost a perfect game. (maybe not exciting but great) If she has the choice, keeps Tyler and still beats him, she’ll have played a very good game. She can’t have “great game” status if she makes it harder on herself to win. (also just my opinion)

Everything we think we know is based on an educated guess and at this point, it isn’t even that educated. No one can really say this one should take that one. We don’t know what the jury will base their decision on and what they’ll see as important. Will they push past hurt feeling and vote for who controlled the game? Will they actually know who controlled the game? There’s no cut and dry choice for any of them this year on who they should try to sit beside and that’s what makes it so exciting. All 4 of them have done different things to get to the F4 and I’d be happy with any of them winning the game. The best player doesn’t always win but at least this year, a bad player won’t stumble into the win. (it’s happened before) The chance of that happening left with Sam and all her craft supplies yesterday.

I’m sooooo ready for tonight! Have a great Wednesday!


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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
More stats to come!
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