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Big Brother 21 – Monday Recap for 8/12/19

August 13, 2019 | 52 Comments
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Author: Mel


Good morning BBJ family. Don’t let the image fool you. Kat may have gotten drunk last night but the party wasn’t very exciting. The hg’s were given alcohol and Sis made eggs florentine, that’s about it. Actually, the entire day was pretty slow but let’s go over it anyway.

This is Cliff eating the late night eggs but everyone sat down to try them:


As expected, Tommy used the veto to take Christie off the block and the hg’s got to be outside most of the day. There was some game talk but not much. Nick put Kat on the spot and questioned her about targets. (He’s getting worse about doing it to everyone and he’s really pushy about it) The takaway, he didn’t believe Kat when she said she’d put Beth and Jackson otb. He told her he didn’t buy it and she tried to convince him that Jackson telling a lie (Beth & Kat knowing each other) almost sent her home with a flip vote. He said that made sense and he could believe it if she didn’t spend almost all her time with the two of them. ((He may be a sex obsessed jerk but he’s right about this)

Cliff told Nick he’d be on board to work with Tommy, Sis and Christie, along with Nick and Nicole to get to F6. (Hopefully, he can betray them before they do it first) Nick’s been pushing this very hard to the Tommy side. Cliff said he was playing up his injuries and he could still compete. (Nick will probably share this info but I’m glad he’s playing it up at least)

Nick told the Tommy side that Cliff is up for the 6. Christie and Sis seemed more excited than Tommy. (Tommy wanted the deal from Cliff this week but he’s  afraid of Cliff in comps, no way he takes Cliff to 6. He also isn’t thrilled about Christie and Sis wanting their own deals from Cliff)

Christie and Tommy talked with some others about where they each lived, their driving routes and pretended to be shocked to find out they’re only a few exits apart. This was Christie when Cliff said they must know each other:

Christie and Sis told Nicole they were undecided about who to keep this week when they were hanging out in the yard. (I know they haven’t made an official group yet but why be undecided if you want to work with Cliff and Nicole or want them to think you do?) I understand they hadn’t had an “official” meeting yet and I think it’s more about Christie wanting to let everyone know she’s in charge of what happens. Cryin’ Christie, who was afraid of going home, has left the building.

Beth and Jackson are more concerned about being targeted and they think they’re being replaced in the 6 with Nick and Nicole. They also gave Kat some campaigning advice but it isn’t helping because it still involves trying to convince everyone Jackson is her target. Kat suggested she and Jackson fake a fight but he didn’t want to do it.  He said he’s  already America’s least favorite player so he doesn’t want to be seen arguing with Kat on top of it.

There was a conversation with some of the women about the days becoming shorter. This had to be explained to Sis because she didn’t understand and even after the explanation, she thought the days were getting shorter in time/hours. She was briefly happy with this news because she’s bored and tired of being stuck in the house so hey if there are less than 24 hours in a day, that’s great news! I’ve been shocked in the past that she got through college but honestly, conversations like this make me shocked she got through grammar school.

Tommy talked to Cliff  and Cliff assured him he would love for them to work as a group of 6. Tommy said his usual and fake “I love it” and said they would talk again later. At least he didn’t say “I’m obsessed with you.”

Jackson asked Tommy if he and Beth had been replaced with Nick and Nicole. (nothing like subtlety) Tommy assured him it wasn’t true. Jackson thought maybe they were just paranoid because he and Beth have been isolating themselves a little bit. He told Tommy it was only because he didn’t want the rest of the house to think they were still together. (Tommy and Jackson agreed to do this right after Tommy won the hoh) Tommy acted surprised and said he didn’t know they were doing it on purpose. (Tommy wants to work with Beth, not Jackson)  Beth and Jackson are really doing it so they don’t appear to be too closely aligned to either side, Tommys or Cliffs. That way, whoever wins hoh next, they can just jump on board with them.  Here’s the problem, while they’re off isolating themselves and banging each other, the game is moving on without them.  If they hadn’t been playing it this way, I think Beth may have picked up on Kat being the target a little bit sooner. She still doesn’t know but is finally suspicious about it.

Speaking of banging, the night before Jackson tossed Beth over his shoulder and when he came into a room, he banged her head on a dresser when she was upside down. She complained about it hurting all day and I’m sure it did. However, she’s milked it pretty hard and acted like she may not live through the week.

Production gave them alcohol and they decided to save it to have a pool party the following day. BB told them to either drink it or lose it. (They wanted good feeds last night)  Initially, Nick said they should save it anyway and call their bluff. The BB voice told him to cool it. ( They probably don’t like him either) They had a little party in the hoh room and shocker, played Never Have I Ever. I’d say 99% of the questions were sexually based so Nicole skipped out early.  She went downstairs to remake her bed and did a little PSA for the viewers and her preschool class. She talked about being independent, dealing with peer pressure and it being OK to leave a situation when you aren’t comfortable.

She told a story earlier in the day about calling 911 on her parents when she was 5 because they wouldn’t let her go to the bus stop with her mom and older sister. She said she was a little terror as a child. I don’t think this is made up because as we know, she told Ika in one of her preseason interviews about locking her parents in the basement. She was trying to make them give up some information about a secret Christmas present they wouldn’t tell her about.

Kat took out her braids and was going to do an AC/DC song but the feeds cut:

Beth made another “speech” for the cameras saying she’s modest and doesn’t want to be someone who puts her personal business out there or do anything to embarrass herself.  Does anyone else feel like she’s trying to convince the feed watchers when she’s saying this? I know she’s talking to Jackson but it’s like she’s talking at the cameras and trying to convince us of who she is because she said so.  (Sorry Beth, I’m not buying it because you’re the same person who, the night before, had sex with Jackson as Christie and Sis lay in the bed next to you discussing their bowel movements)

Sis also said she’d be mortified if her dad knew she’d had sex or something similar. Ok, I used to think production lied when they put out statements saying the hg’s were fully informed about the feeds before doing the show. Even if they didn’t, I assumed any idiot would do at least an hour’s worth of research on YouTube before agreeing to do it. These people are young and grap the opportunity so I thought, ok, maybe they don’t.  I’ve realized, it isn’t that they aren’t told about the feeds.  This is happening because some of these people just can’t comprehend the English language.  Cliff has repeatedly and in great detail, explained everything about the feeds, who watches it, what they’re seeing, what they’re writing about and that they’re almost always on. How in the hell do these people still not get it?

Sorry I don’t have more to work with for this one but have a great Tuesday!




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Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

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Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
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