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Big Brother 21 – Thursday Recap for 9/5/19L

September 6, 2019 | 104 Comments
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Author: Mel


Good morning everyone. Usually, on a Friday morning, I’d be telling you who won the hoh if you didn’t stay up to find out with Steve and NK.  I can’t do that today because as of a little while ago, they don’t have one.  That wouldn’t be too confusing except for finding out Swaggy and Bayleigh were in the building last night. We assumed they’d be doing whatever they’re doing last night. The hgs went to bed without seeing them and Nicole was still the hoh. We’ll  have to wait and see what the plan is going to be. I hope they’re just hosting the comp and we don’t have to have another Nicole/Victor engagement kind of segment. (You know they like their filler for the Sunday episodes) For now, here’s a few things I have from last night.

This double eviction was so much fun. Seeing Nicole win was fantastic. I’m not even talking about should she, shouldn’t she, right choice, wrong choice. For the moment, who cares? Nicole won the hoh and that made me smile. I’ll get into the other stuff a bit later. (For the record tho, I think it was good for her game to win it even if she was safe either way)

Some things from the DE episode:

  • Did Jess clap extra hard when Julie said “no jury battle back” or was I the only one seeing that?
  • Cliff and Jackson looked scared when Julie said DE. I think they both thought for a minute the double might change the plans. It looked like it passed for Cliff but I’m not sure Jackson took and easy breath until Christie and Tommy were otb.

I liked this hoh comp because you could see what was happening. Sometimes, these quick ones have terrible angles and you can’t see who is ahead. Good job to production on this one.

  • I was focused on Tommy and Nicole so I didn’t realize Cliff threw the win to Nicole until I rewatched it. He’d said he would if he could and he did. This is a shot of Cliff removing his next to last piece (which was already in the correct place) and faking trying to put it in the wrong spot to buy Nicole some time. He took it to the area behind him and laid it there for a few seconds:

Loved this:

  • Jackson was genuinely happy for Nicole even though he was still nervous. He trusted Nicole but not completely:
  • Christie finding out Nicole was lying to her too and she was going otb:
  • Finaly Tommy hit the block:
  • Ths may be my 2nd favorite moment of the night. Jackson sipping his drink and smirking while Christie’s crying and asking to stay. No, I don’t like Jackson but this shit is funny. I would’ve thought the same thing if it was reversed:
  • Tommy’s left hanging while tryng to hold hands:
  • The moment Christie choked on the last Veto question:

Now that one of Tommy and Christie is gone, the best thing they can do (in my opinion) is get rid of the other one. (I don’t fault them for not knowing this)  Christie will probably have influence in the jury just like she did in the game, so it’s better if Tommy and Christie were either the F2 or both in jury. It’s also why I’d like to see Beth in jury, although I don’t see Kat fighting nearly as hard for her as Christie would Tommy.

I said last night, I thought it was possibly better for Nicole and Cliffs games for Tommy to leave. It may not matter and may depend more on who wins this next hoh. (Tommy will be the new BFF of whoever wins it) There’s no guarantee who Tommy’s going to try to cling to but the odds are higher for him to have success with Jackson and Beth over Christie. Christie was more likely to keep going after Jackson if she’d stayed. Jackson and Beth also wouldn’t want to work with Christie but they’ve never stopped partially trusting Tommy. (Beth’s told Jackson she’ll never put Tommy otb)  I didn’t see it as a huge mistake but rather, one more obstacle to remove out of Nicole and Cliffs way.  Christie leaving was the best possible scenario for Jackson and Beth so obviously, it isn’t best for the other duo. Jackson and Beth controlled the vote anyway so if they were going to target Tommy, they needed to convince Jolly of that before last night. I did see Cliff and Nicole make the attempt in recent days but it didn’t work. It doesn’t mean it was a bad move. I think it was a good move, just maybe not the best one.

I saw a lot of online grumbling last night saying Nicole was an idiot for doing Jacksons dirty work.  This wasn’t because of Christie leaving over Tommy. Many people think she screwed up because she didn’t go after Jackson. I get it, no one in their right mind wants to go to the end with a shomance but the shomance ran the house for a month. Therefore, they kept Nicole and Cliff safe for a month and were the only two people who made a F4 with them. Should Nicole have chosen the other two, who’ve only became buddies with her this week because they wanted help taking Jackson out? Should they have gone with Christie and Tommy when they’ve tried for days to get Cliff evicted over Jess? (Puleeeze, take a seat!) Christie does seem to choke sometimes in comps but as they get towards the end, I’d personally rather go against Jackson and Beth since the comps get more and more mental. (Usually) Tommy and Beth would both probably do well in any endurance and he and Christie know the days better than Jackson and Beth. Not to mention, Nicole and Cliff haven’t had power so they didn’t really get to decide whether or not a shomance got this far. They showed loyalty last night with Nicole winning the hoh and Cliff winning the veto. That’s two times Jackson could’ve gone otb and didn’t. Beth might, but I don’t think Jackson’s going to turn on them. Even if Nicole seemed a little wishy-washy this week, last night should’ve eased their concerns.

Many live feeders want Nicole for AFP but last night was the first time I’ve felt she had a shot at getting the tv only viewers. (It seems like we always want someone different) She’s had more of a presence on the episodes lately with the clown thing, crying when she lost the wall comp and now, she’s won the double and taken out Christie, who many tv only viewers can’t stand.

Last night after the feeds came back:

Nicole got called to the storage room to get her hoh basket. She said it was better than Christmas. Unlike Tommys antics, this was genuine happiness. Nicole can turn BB moments into a Lifetime movie special and she isn’t even aware of it.

  • Everyone gathered around for her letter:
  • Showing us one of her pictures of her Grandma:
  • She’s shocked Lucky Charms has added 3 new unicorns since she’s been in the house.  I had no idea what the hell she was talking about but I didn’t care. I just became shocked right along with her:
  • Here’s  Tommy having a blast.  I don’t  know about you guys but “I love it! I’m so obsessed with this!!”
  • Beth’s going for the off the shoulder look to be camera ready while Nicole’s goes through her hoh basket. (She does this all the time)

You’ll have to check back later with Steve to find out what we all really want to know. Sorry there wasn’t more. Have a great Friday.


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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
More stats to come!
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