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Big Brother 23 – Wednesday Feed Updates

September 8, 2021 | 107 Comments
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Author: Steve Beans

Good afternoon, everyone!

It’s Wednesday in the Big Brother house and this means it’s ‘Waste Your Time Wednesday!’  wooohooo! This has become quite the tradition for the Big Brother 23 season where players will spend their last day in the house campaigning to stay when they have absolutely zero shot at it happening.  It’s quite fascinating watching people with zero chance actually make good pitches because they’re actually decent players yet still not have a shot in hell.  Wooooo!

It’s surprising how good some of these pitches have been this season and how much they have fought to remain in the house. Of course, we had people like Travis who just gave right up, but starting with Christian, they have fought tooth and nail to stick around. And I know people will automatically blame the cookout, and they’re partially right, but keep in mind Christian was evicted by DX despite him understanding it was probably a bad move.  Meanwhile, Sarah Beth evicted DX while Claire got Sarah Beth out. Granted they had the cookout in their ears, but they weren’t forced to make these moves.

Anyway, tonight on the CBS episode we’ll get the painful to watch chat between Tiffany and Claire which was possibly one of the saddest things I’ve seen on the feeds so far.  As a fan of the show, it’s just difficult to watch because I absolutely love their friendship but I understand why Tiffany is doing what she’s doing so my mind struggles with that.  Either way, I’m sure I’m going to have a lot of people flooding to the site after to rage about it, so this can be your vent thread to let out your frustrations. But remember, please remain civil and speak to others here like you’d speak to your grandmother.

I just think the whole thing is wild how they both agree X is going to run away with the season yet Tiff can take him out this week if she wanted. However, I think she knows it would have likely broken up the cookout for good which would have wasted two months of hard work sticking together just to evict someone they still planned on evicting in a week or two (just having someone else do it).

Anyway, on the feeds right now:

  • 3:30 pm – X and Hannah are in the bedroom talking and Alyssa and Kyland are in another room talking

    • Not sure why Alyssa is doing one-on-ones but she may as well get them in now because she likely won’t have a chance tomorrow night in those few minutes between someone winning HoH and then nominating her during the double
    • And if you’re wondering, they don’t know for sure there is a double, but they are fully expecting it (but every cast expects a double every week on every season after the 5th or 6th week, so that’s not saying much)
  • 4:00 pm – Claire is alone and the cams are on her.  She says ‘why are you watching me when you could be watching a very awkward conversation between Alyssa and Kyland’ lol
    • X is with Alyssa chatting in the bedroom
    • She is saying how if Tiffany would put up Claire she’d definitely put up Hannah.  She is so out of touch with the house right now
  • 4:40 pm – Claire is in the bathroom studying with Hannah

    • As they are studying, they are talking about comps.  Hannah made this mistake during the comp by calling viceroy ‘vis-e-roy’ while Claire and others said it correctly – (just plain ole vice-roy). During studying, Claire once again mentions that comp and says the name of it (correctly) and Hannah repeats the comp name by once again mispronouncing it as ‘vis-e-roy’.
    • I always think it’s hilarious when people correct others and they’re wrong when they do. This happens soooooo much when someone says ‘You and me’. There is always someone who jumps in ‘Ahh, that’s actually you and I’.  Nothing pleases me more than to double correct them and say ‘actually, that person is right.  In that situation, you and me is correct’.
    • I don’t shit on anyone’s grammar or spelling because lord knows mine is shit, but I’ll be the FIRST to point out spelling or grammar mistakes to someone who actually does correct others.  Because nothing is more obnoxious than a grammarnazi.   So step back a little, Ms Vis-e-Roy. You’re incredibly smart, but you’re wrong on that.
    • They do say on day 36, Alyssa did get her phone call.  This is mildly important because the feeds were down randomly the other day and I wondered if it had to do with Alyssa.  I knew the comp was forever ago, so I thought it was ridiculous they’re finally giving her the prize now but Claire just cleared it up and said she received her phone call that day and if she were to survive four more weeks, she’d get a video call.  Well, this week is four more weeks so that must have been the reason for some of the downtime this week.
    • Speaking of, I just updated the cheat sheet and threw in tomorrow’s inevitable eviction as part of the days near the bottom already
  • 5:00 pm – Going to watch the CBS episode
  • 6:45 pm – And I’m back
    • As I thought, Claire indeed understood why she is going home.  Her DR segment was really good and it really makes me root for her more.  Really good person all the way through which has been rare during my time blogging this show.

    • I’ve been watching this show since season 1 and have blogged and watched hundreds of hours of feeds every year since Big Brother 13.  There has only been a handful of really good humans who have entered that house and Claire is one of them. And to make her even more special, she stands out in an overall really good group of people. This has easily been the most likable cast I’ve blogged with BB20 being second.
    • I’m not even exaggerating that by the midway point, I suffer inside watching some people on the feeds (Christmas comes to mind). But I really don’t have anyone like that this season.  Kyland is boring as hell so I usually don’t watch him if I can help it, but he’s not a bad person. Just boring. Azah is also super boring but she’s an incredibly sweet person.  Just my take on the cast
    • Upstairs, Tiffany is going over the game with Azah while D, Alyssa, and Claire hang around the living room.  Kyland and Hannah were talking in another room but that’s such a boring conversation, the feeds would rather just stare at Big D doing nothing than listen to Kyland lol

Oh and thank you to Lisa for your generous donation!  I really appreciate it!!

  • 8:45 pm – Tiffany up in the HoH room talking with Hannah while Claire is suffering downstairs in a conversation with Kyland.
    • Tiffany is re-telling her recent conversation she had with X
    • Hannah mentions how X said he’s going after Big D and Kyland but Hannah knows he is likely lying to put her at ease because he knows she’s probably going after them
    • See, Hannah is very smart.  But it’s “vice-roy” 🙂  I bring that up again because I know something she doesn’t despite her being likely 5x more intelligent than I am
    • Tiffany says Ky doesn’t trust her
    • They begin talking about X again and how he has to be in law enforcement or something like that by the way he acts. They then spot him on camera pacing and haven’t seen him pace before
    • They notice X sits down and is shaking his legs and know he’s uncomfortable and deep in thought and nervous about this week
    • Hannah says tomorrow she’ll nominate X and Alyssa and if Alyssa saves herself, she’ll nominate Big D to send X home
    • Tiff says she wants to have Claire put in something in her eviction speech about X.
    • They are really doing some psychoanalysis of Xavier really trying to break down every aspect of him (is that the right term, or did I pull a Hannah and try to sound smart). How he doesn’t like to talk, how he was mad at Tiffany when she won HoH, etc.
    • Hannah asks if she wants X to know that message from Claire tomorrow is coming from her or not.  Tiff says ‘did you want SB to know DX’s message came from you’?
  • 9:40 pm – It’s been an hour and Kyland is still rambling to Claire.  We should re-name him Filibuster Ky
    • If Claire actually had a shot at staying, Kyland can just completely de-rail it by forcing her into an all night conversation

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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
More stats to come!
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