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Monday Live Feed Updates + Veto Meeting BB25 – 8/7

August 7, 2023 | 21 Comments
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Author: Steve Beans

Good afternoon, everyone.

Briefly checking in from a coffee shop near the camp. I have absolutely zero reception there which is probably the first time in maybe 20 years that I haven’t had fairly easy access to the Internet for longer than a few hours (or a day). So I am getting pretty far behind, but looking at some recaps, it seems the house division is setting up deeper and deeper and we’re going to have one of those half house vs half house seasons – at least until they force them to switch it up with some ridiculous twist.

I don’t want to do too much commentary from what little knowledge I do have, so I’m going to just put up a feed update thread and follow along with you!

Again, I’ll be back to regular schedule Thursday, so these are probably the best updates I’ll be able to provide until then. Have a great Monday.

Oh, and it’s veto day and Hisam is still unlikely to use it so Kirsten should be the first one evicted from the houes.

Live Feed Updates For 08/07/2023
08/07/23 03:16am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Reilly and Hisam in the HOH

Reilly says Felicia and Cirie really like her.
Hisam said they have to get Luke to vote with them
Hisam says they have to keep playing in advance

08/07/23 03:19am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Blue tells Cameron that Hisam knows he is definitely in their group

*cameron and red have been bonding and want to play the middle of the house
Izzy is closest with Cirie
Cirie is closest with Felicia
They are also really tight with meme
Blue- you got all this information from red?
Cameron- I’m just feeling it (red). I can tell from talking to red he wants in on that alliance.
Blue- Red wants to be with us or them?
Cameron- Them.

08/07/23 03:23am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cameron- now there is a line. Now there are two alliances. (Yea welcome to the game)

Cameron- They think with Red, comes Bowie.
Luke is just lost. I think Izzy is trying to build this group without specifically putting it together. She has hopes of building something. It’s just not concrete. They do know all the shit on our side
Hisam is the wildcard in this whole thing.

08/07/23 03:33am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Blue says they can’t work themselves into the core. They need to bring out the insecurities of the outcasts of that group.

Cameron- I completely agree with you (after he talked for 15 minutes about the exact opposite)

08/07/23 03:40am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Reilly to Hisam- I think I went from being everyone buddy to being everyone’s enemy.
08/07/23 03:42am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Reilly- I’m just concerned that Izzy got in his ear (Luke) and that’s why he got all paranoid today.

Hisam- that will give us a reason to go against Izzy

08/07/23 03:48am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Reilly said no one is respecting her space. She hasn’t listening to any music or can’t eat a meal. People are waiting outside her door all week.

Reilly needs to work on some boundaries

08/07/23 03:52am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jag pitched the idea of backfiring Izzy this week. Reilly says Hisam would never go for that
08/07/23 03:53am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Hisam- is there any possibility of Hisam using the veto to take Felicia off?
08/07/23 03:55am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
They agree they couldn’t tell Hisam the real target
08/07/23 04:25am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Reilly feels like she can’t go to bed because Hisam is up in the living room
08/07/23 08:53am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Good morning house guests!

Luke had a quick chat with Cirie and Izzy this morning in the yard. He shared yesterday he was truly not aware how to start his game. Like said he didn’t know how to initiate game talk. He said full disclosure he wants to see what everyone has to offer him (not something you say out loud)

Once he leaves, Cirie and Izzy agree if he wins HOH they can “pitch him a good plan” and they don’t feel in danger

08/07/23 09:57am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Slow morning so far. Reilly has been a bit paranoid for next week but other than that casual convos

Veto ceremony should be today

08/07/23 10:17am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cory, Jared, Izzy hanging out by the hammock

Talking about the schedule and how more people are getting comfortable in the house

08/07/23 10:32am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie feels in Meme from her convo with Luke this morning
08/07/23 10:38am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cory is doing backflips in the yard. Cirie tells him to keep both feet on the ground

He tells Cirie and Meme that’s how he got on the show. They talk about his black belt

08/07/23 10:42am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie tells the group how she forgot to tell her parents about kindergarden graduation. She wasn’t as dressed up like the other kids. She shares she remembers her moms disappointment when she told her what happened

Matt, Bowie, Jag have joined now

08/07/23 10:43am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Stretching session planned for the group this afternoon
08/07/23 10:48am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Kirsten has a one on one with America

She pitches they have each other. She wants to give love and be there for someone. She mentions how they have shared makeup and are sisters.
(No is really talking game with Kirsten. They are just telling her to keep trying)

08/07/23 10:50am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Weird quirk this season: everyone is saying “it’s my first time playing this season”

Why wouldn’t it be??

08/07/23 11:07am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Hisam, Kirsten, and Meme talk about women’s hair and the movement to embrace her natural curls

Love hearing these types of convos and perspective in the beauty industry

08/07/23 11:20am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Animal Feeds
08/07/23 01:36pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Feeds back- no word of veto yet, but assuming Hisam did not use it
08/07/23 01:37pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Got some of the photos from yesterday
08/07/23 01:39pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
What a group
08/07/23 01:41pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Enjoying the moment
08/07/23 01:54pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Izzy and Cirie “sneak” into the have not to count stuff

Cirie- there are 9 holes in the cheese

08/07/23 02:07pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Izzy and Cameron chat in the comic room

Cameron is trying to explain why he has felt so connected to Riley. (He’s trying to pull info from Izzy)
He said I just felt myself hanging out with the “cook kids” well that’s what I call them (he is saying that because he heard Izzy do it)

08/07/23 02:15pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Meme and Cirie have been together a lot more today

They say that once they get Reilly out of the game the other side will crumble

08/07/23 02:21pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
A lot of the house has cold like symptoms (Cirie, Red, Hisam, Meme)
08/07/23 02:32pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cameron is telling Izzy he’d like to work with her but ultimately doesn’t know how

Cameron- I love Matt, Jag, Blue like I just love being around them.
Izzy- I’m not truly committing to people until nexts weeks vote because everyone is just agreeable this week

08/07/23 02:32pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
The house got different colored sweatshirts from BB
08/07/23 02:33pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cory says her (Izzy) name has been brought up as a wild card
08/07/23 03:09pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cory talks with Luke in the havenot

Luke lays out the family style alliance. Cory explains he is just a number to them.

08/07/23 04:04pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie, Izzy, Cory, and Jared in the comic room

Cirie- next week we are going to flip on them. They got all high and mighty and didn’t do their research.
Jared- We need to know ya’ll got our backs because we’re going to be kicked out (of the other side)
Cirie- and then you’ll be a part of something where everybody has an opinion
**Felicia barges in announcing dinner*
Izzy keeps getting the side eye from Cirie because she keeps interrupting
Jared- We don’t want to shun the floaters. We want to do the same thing to them that they’re (the family style)
are doing to us.

08/07/23 04:10pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cory- I am loyal to the people I am loyal to. I can’t wait until I win something and have the opportunity to show it to you.

Cirie- I trust this enough to tell you guys that.
Cory- Not a f’ing word from me. (to the family style)

08/07/23 04:13pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cory leaves the comic room

Izzy- who is that? (hears a noise outside)
Cirire- America
Izzy- I f’ing hate her
Cirie- I think she is a spy

08/07/23 04:20pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Felicia and Red in the comic room

Felicia- I think where they messed up is they are too coky for their week one alliances. (They are all week 1 alliances)
Red- Luke is going to be critical.
Felicia- this HOH is going to be critical
(Red is very congested and a mouth breather now. Switching rooms for feeds lol)

08/07/23 04:21pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Red- I hope i don’t always feel like hammered hell. Felicia (eating her chips)- I hope whatever it is everyone else has, I don’t get it
08/07/23 04:26pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jag to Luke outside

Luke- I’ve watched like 3 seasons if that isn’t obvious.
Jag- I think i’ve watched like 16 forward. I was like really into them, but you know what, people like into the feeds and everything, like, who cares. What does it matter. Lets just do it.

08/07/23 04:26pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Side note- I dont think I ever added that Hisam did not use the power of veto
08/07/23 04:28pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
As the house gets ready for dinner- what’s your take?

Would you eat food prepared by people you just met? I often think I would stop eating meat while in the house because I wouldn’t trust other people cooking. I mean I’ve seen Red cooking all week and he’s sick and has a lot of facial hair… lol

08/07/23 05:04pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Budding Love

Reilly and Matt talking about their ideal partner and-kids!

08/07/23 05:12pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cameron says to Red the other side of the house has no foundation because they don’t take the time to know each other.

Cameron- I know he’s a great guy, but I can’t get a read on Hisam. I know he has his mind made up about me.
Red says he has a good feeling about Luke

08/07/23 05:17pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jared and Cirie catch up in the yard

Jared- Cameron told me that he may have to jump ship.
They discuss Hoh options for next week.
Jared- You know what Ms. Felicia said to me the other day?
Cirie- Whats that?
Jared- Wouldn’t it be funny if Momma C was your mom?
Jared- I about died.
Cirie- I bet your butt puckered.

08/07/23 05:32pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Small group outside asking BB to make a competition about Felicia’s mic saga. “True or Fale Ms. Felicia flushed her first mic on night 2?”

While making fun of Felicia, they mention Jerry falling in the pool.
While she explains the situation Izzyy falls off her patio cushion (good reenactment)

08/07/23 05:44pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jag tells Reilly about his convo with Luke

Jag said Luke makes him nervous.
Luke said that they (the family style) alliance was being sloppy. (Trying to call them out for not inviting him in)
Jared said he was going to go to the have not room to study. Luke provoked him by saying “Oh dude we’ve been here a week and you haven’t been there yet”
Reilly- He is so paranoid
Jag- He is paranoid about everything.

08/07/23 05:48pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Reilly says they should pull in Red because he is close to Cameron and they should suck it up and try to get Luke too so he isn’t a comp threat for the other side.
08/07/23 05:49pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Reilly and Jag wants Izzy and Hisam on the block together next week.
08/07/23 05:58pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Reilly and Izzy catach up in the HOH

Izzy- I am not here kissing ass or say the thing. I am feeling that we should all cut the bullshit. I agree that it is early and have ideas and have heard things. I want us each to work with people that we each trust.
I still think that you are awesome and a great competitor. I am still looking out for your even if we are in different circles. (Bullshit)
Reilly- I feel the same way about you. There is clearly going to be a divide, but often early things implode.
Izzy-If I win hoh, you are not a thought in my mind.
Reilly – I think the same way about you (please see post below)

08/07/23 06:18pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Izzy tells Cirie the whole conversation with Reilly (embellished for effect)
08/07/23 06:32pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Izzy and Cirie joking about how surprised everyone will be at the finale when the cast finds out about Jared

Cirie says she panicked when introducing themselves and saying her sons names. She had to makeup Jamie on the spot

08/07/23 07:07pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Animal feeds
08/07/23 07:11pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Looks like a house stretch/yoga session soon
08/07/23 07:22pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Kirsten is still trying to have one on ones. She just wants to be included but no one is giving her any game
08/07/23 07:23pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Izzy, Hisam, Blue working out
08/07/23 07:25pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Blue- I’m going to play my game based off my moral, and my values, and what I represent. Y’all are what I represent
08/07/23 07:34pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Izzy to Cirie/Felicia- Blue goes “I want you to know that no matter what, you two are my people and I am protecting my people cause I care about this cause”…the queer thing or whatever. She goes “no matter what happens with people on my side…”. Hisam goes “your side?”
08/07/23 07:40pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Felicia tells Jared about the brown sugar babes

Jared, Felicia, Cirie, meme

08/07/23 07:44pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jared and Felicia outside

Jared shares he distrusts America the most then Reilly, Blue, Jag

08/07/23 07:51pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Hisam tells Blue he felt isolated by her,Reilly, and Cameron during the veto

Blue tried to explain they were relives Reilly pulled Hisams name

08/07/23 07:52pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jared tells Felicia that Reilly has thrown out Luke and Izzy for next weeks noms (the other side didn’t know about Izzy just yet)
08/07/23 07:59pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Reilly and Cameron chat

Reilly is still really paranoid. She tells Cameron about the talk with Izzy. Reilly shares that they should target Izzy and Hisam next week
In true Cameron fashion(annoying)- he says “I don’t think that’s the best call, but we can talk about it all a little later. Idk why you feel so much pressure that you’re going to be the target next week. It’s okay to think that highly of yourself…” feeds change

08/07/23 08:02pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
I think I’m out of gas for tonight – keep an eye out for Shari’s updates and I’ll loop back in the morning
08/07/23 09:58pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Red, HIsam and Cameron

They are talking in the have not room about about the next HOH and how it will draw a line in the sand. Hisam is saying he believes in integrity, honesty, these are things he values other than money. (hmmm). Ok Hisam, we will see how this plays out in the next few weeks because this is a game!

08/07/23 10:14pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Hot Tub Time Machine

America, Meme, Kirsten, Bowie, Corey and Matt are hanging in the hot tub. Just general chatting going on and their family members not having social media. Kirsten is talking like she will be here in week 3 saying she wonders what she will be like and thinks she is being pretty good so far. Well, that is questionable. Why is she a target and half way out the door?

08/07/23 10:31pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Hisam.the Floater

He is in the room with Cirie, Izzy, Meme saying that Reilly is currently spiraling. They are saying she is not going to know how to play the game outside of the HOH room. Hisam, meanwhile is saying he is with this group in the room and they are just perfect, communicate, honest and talk to each other. Perfect alliance. I do not believe him for a second. Bowie and Jared just came in and they are saying they smell cookies.

08/07/23 10:52pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Scared of the Washing Machine

Corey is no help and Meme is trying to figure out the washer and the buttons and she is scared of what it is doing. Corey said that he has two buttons on his college washing machine. They are now saying the washing machine is broken. Maybe too full. I know Meme did not say she tried to press play, is it a radio or CD player now?

08/07/23 11:03pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Cameron and Crocodile Tears

Cameron is putting on the water works in front of Cirie and Felicia. He said he picked the wrong side from the beginning and he wants to join the Cirie alliance. Cirie is not falling for it and you can tell they want him to leave the room. Cirie keeps saying the same thing, I get you, I understand. Putting him on…

08/07/23 11:17pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Kirsten did not prepare for BB

Meme and Kirsten are speaking outside on the balcony about how Kirsten did not prepare herself for the BB game. It is pretty obvious that she did not prepare. It makes you wonder how or why she tried out for show if she did not prepare and know what the game was about. What you should or should not do. Lack of preparation has her possibly walking out the door.

08/07/23 11:39pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Izzy Talking to Kirsten

Kirsten feels like everyone has a different approach to the game. She said she wants to uphold values and feels like she doesn’t know what is going on in the house. She essentially feels left out. Kirsten has been saying things that makes it sound like she is staying in the house and kind of playing oblivious to the fact that she is going home. However, the seniors are saying you never know, this game is always changing.

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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
More stats to come!
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