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Saturday Feed Updates 8/19 BB25

August 19, 2023 | 89 Comments
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Author: Steve Beans

Good afternoon, everyone!

It’s Saturday in the Big Brother house and it’s easily the biggest day of the season for Hisam and only Hisam. But the key thing is, he doesn’t even know how big it is for him because he’s been left in the dark and is being backdoored this week.

So what this means is that Hisam has to:

  • Get picked to play for veto
  • Realize he may be in danger and actually try (last week he said he was going to ease off winning)
  • WIN the veto

Due to him allegedly trying to back off winning, even if he does play, he’s going to basically need to luck into winning it unless he decides to just go balls to the wall anyway and try.

Now, how do I feel about this? Not great. Sure, I think Hisam is a douche like everyone else who reads this blog, but people like him and Reilly make the show entertaining to watch and losing them both back-to-back weeks just sucks for ‘team fun feeds’.

I certainly wouldn’t want Hisam winning the entire season, but being third voted off is a bummer for our purposes. Just like Cody being evicted early in BB19. I personally don’t like the guy, but he was the only one who was challenging Paul which would have made it a much better season than it was.

Enough rambling. Going to be a pretty slow afternoon and then the veto comp, but the veto picks will be interesting for sure.

Live Feed Updates For 08/19/2023
08/19/23 05:33am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Overnight update:

Jared and Izzy get into a small argument about Jared’s misogynistic views.
Jared and Blue talk about their parents hometown. Blue asks for clarification about Jared’s parents and he says he “better stop talking before she puts two and two together.” Jared also tells Blue that he has a secret in the house that America (us) knows about.

08/19/23 09:27am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Good morning!

Hisam was not chosen for the veto

08/19/23 09:45am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Veto players are Felicia, Cameron, Jag, Izzy, Red, Cory. Bowie is hosting.
08/19/23 09:52am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cory tells Izzy that America is distinctly playing the middle

Also: Cory joked to Cirie a couple days ago along the lines of “wouldn’t it be funny if everyone in the middle made and alliance called the middle men” Cirie took this seriously so she/Izzy have not been skeptical of Meme, America, Jag, Cory

08/19/23 09:58am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cory and Izzy speculate a back door situation where Hisam comes back

They joke about how Hisam doesn’t believe on back doors

08/19/23 10:01am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jared tells Cirie he is tired of worried about Izzy’s feelings.

He says she’s getting annoying and he’d rather just get rid of her (Izzy) than be scared of her. (He’s just annoyed about their argument/discussion last night). He says he doesn’t want to worry about offending her, worry about her feelings- he just needs her not to tell. It’s easier to just get rid of her. Cirie says that she is working hard for them to get to the end.

08/19/23 10:03am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jared- what do we need her for?

Cirie- I just don’t trust none of them. Is that even smart to leave that?

08/19/23 10:37am (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Blue and America just hanging out and chatting

General gossip about the house. How they dislike Hisam, how Bowie can’t keep a secret, etc

08/19/23 10:57am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
They have the yard still. Makes me wonder if they’ll go off site for the veto or another room in the house.

Could we get hide and go veto??

08/19/23 11:01am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Izzy and Cirie chat in the yard

Izzy says they are good cop bad cop.
Cirie says she is for sure bad cop.
They talk about America and Meme are annoying them this week. Cirie adds they’ll soon get the Cam treatment (she has been avoiding being alone with Cam and using Bowie as a “body guard”)

08/19/23 11:04am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Izzy and Cirie talk about how they can be real with each other but everyone else in the house is fake.

Izzy says that has been something she struggles with as she has to pretend with other people, when she is used to just being herself.

08/19/23 11:11am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
They are calling the DR the Dominican Republic and the production as Tour Guide
08/19/23 11:41am (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Feeds Down

Hoping the secret somehow gets out to Hisam so it isn’t a boring week of feeds

08/19/23 02:23pm (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Feeds back!

Looks like Jag won veto!

08/19/23 02:25pm (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Looks like it was a messy comp
08/19/23 02:37pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
What do we want this week Hisam or Cam?

While I agree that Hisam’s behavior and comments more than justify him seeing the block, from a game perspective (and feed entertainment)… I hope Cirie rallies her troops to flip on Cam. An important update from last night is that Bowie told Cirie that Cam had leaked to Red about the backdoor plan (not sure how the infor got to Bowie). Red then proceededs to pretend he didn’t know about the plan when he talked with Felicia and Cirie. Cirie knows he is now lying to them to keep Cam safe… I wonder where this will leave Cam/Red this week? With time to think, who knows how many times this group could change their minds again?!

08/19/23 02:40pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Hisam chats with Cirie and Izzy in the pantry

Hisam jumps in to say this is why Felicia should have put up Matt and Jag together. But he says the replacement will be Matt…

08/19/23 02:42pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Something must have happened between Cam and Izzyin the comp because Izzy is venting in the bathroom to Hisam about how “she hates him (Cam)”
08/19/23 02:48pm (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Uh oh, already thoughts of a flip before Hisam is even nominated lol. I can’t with this group

Izzy really hates Cameron and wants him gone

08/19/23 02:49pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Righ on Time

Izzy talks to the camera in the pantry: She says that Hisam wants to teach her how to apologize to Cam in a way that he’ll understand. She says she “can’t” wait. She says she would love for Red or Cam to go home this week but is concerned about the leftover getting closer to Hisam. She said if they do flip she needs to think about it because she is too tired to do anything about it now.

08/19/23 03:13pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Red talks to Jag in the bathroom

Red says it will be interesting to see who Felicia puts up as he has been on the outs since the beginning. (They don’t know that each other knows the plan)

08/19/23 03:23pm (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Cory outside talking to Cirie

He is pushing Hisam out even though she’s starting to have second thoughts between Red / Cameron

08/19/23 03:25pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie tells Cory she is scared of getting rid of Hisam because he is physical

Cory tell Cirie that Cam would likely go after Blue and America if he wins HOH next week. Cory said they are past the point of return for Hisam plan. Cory says he feels like he is Cam’s number 2. He tells Cirie that eventually he’ll (Cam) will go after Cirie and Izzy but not next week. Cam interrupts the conversation. Cirie jokingly asks if she needs to mediate a conversation between Cam and Izzy

08/19/23 03:25pm (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Cameron joins and they talk about Hisam

Cory says the house is at the point of no return with him. It’s nowhere near that point, and Cory must know that. Maybe he’s just trying to make Cameron feel better, but Hisam isn’t even nominated yet. By no means are they at any no return point

08/19/23 03:31pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jared tells Blue she looks sexy today.

He says she’ll look really sexy in one of his t’s (tshirts). Blue replies, I look good in everything. Jared- We’ll see. (so many eye rolls)

08/19/23 03:36pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
America tells Jag that she still wants to go far with him, Matt, Blue, and she wants to string along Cory. She advises him not to overestimate his relationships with people in the house because he hangs out with them. She tells him Cirie, Felicia, and Izzy are at the top of whatever is happening on the other side of the house

She says she is only down for a flirtmance with Cory but nothing outside the house

08/19/23 03:45pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Felicia told Hisam that she may nomiate Blue instead of Matt

He says they need to have a meeting to talk to her because that is a “Big Mistake.” Cirie explains that Matt may have gotten to her heart. Hisam says, “If you’re going to play emotional. You’re not going to win this game.” He keeps repeating its a mistake. Its a mistake. And what is supposed to be an easy couple weeks will be a slog for them.

08/19/23 03:59pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Hisam tells Cirie is Felicia doesn’t change her mind, they won’t be able save her.

He tells her that regardless of disability or heart or friendship, that’s not how they should make decision. He says they aren’t playing best friend game. Izzy joins. He says he understands the emotion behind it, but one wrong decision the whole thing unravels.
(Right, Right, Right, Right, Right also included in this conversation)

08/19/23 04:07pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Felicia joins the group outside. Hisam starts his whole speach again. He threatens that next week will be Felicia as the target. Supposedly, Blue told this to him yesterday.
08/19/23 05:10pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Red outside confided in Bowie that he just feels tired and homesick
08/19/23 05:11pm (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Regarding the flip, I don’t believe they will.

It’ll almost certainly be Hisam this week which I guess is a flip, but more of the double flip I was talking about. They’ll talk about sending Red or Cameron home but it’ll be Hisam.

08/19/23 05:14pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Felicia wants to have wine tonight with the girls, but wants to kick Bowie and Meme out.
08/19/23 05:22pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
they finally broke the butt kicker in the have not

bb said theyre fixing it though

08/19/23 05:40pm (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Feeds down to pet cams. Weird. Maybe the spooky thing
08/19/23 05:47pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Then Professors held a fake meeting so they could let Hisam suggest Matt be the replacement nom. They all pretended to go along with it and agreed it was Felicia’s choice

Prior to the meeting, Izzy and Bowie were in the HOH with Felicia. They didn’t want her to have to listen to Hisam complain for 3 days about not nominating Matt for the fake plan

08/19/23 05:55pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jag is a chicken now
08/19/23 06:31pm (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Pool shark? Or Pool CHICKEN!


08/19/23 07:40pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie in Izzy talk about nominating Red and who to pitch it to first
08/19/23 07:45pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie thinks there is an alliance with Meme,Bowie, jag,blue,Matt,America,Red

Felicia walks in and they fill her in on what they want. They agree it has to be Red. They decide to tell Jared and Cory. (Terrible terrible idea)

08/19/23 07:48pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Felicia- So who is it? Cirie- Meme, Bowie, Red, Jag, Blue, Matt. Once we get rid of Hisam, we going to have five. Izzy- If we keep Hisam, we have Hisam, you, Cirie, me, Jared, Cory. Six and six. Cameron would be the floater
08/19/23 07:58pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jared, Izzy, Felicia, Cirie in the HOH room

Jared- Who told y’all that?
Cirie- you can feel it in the air

08/19/23 08:19pm (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Okay, BEANS checking in! Looks like we have more discussion of a flip lol

I can’t with this house. I’m going to catch up and update

08/19/23 08:22pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Now Cirie,Izzy, and Felicia may want to target Bowie to separate Red and Bowie
08/19/23 08:25pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jared outside talking to Jag and Matt

Jared telling Matt and Jag they need to meet and solidify the 7 as soon as possible, Jag agrees (bc he knows that will stop Cirie and Izzy from spiraling)

08/19/23 08:26pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
(The 7 is the alliance Jag and Felicia discussed prior to the noms)
08/19/23 08:29pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
They want to tell Hisam they originally threw his name out to see how the information was shared to the other side of the house

They literally want to tell him it was Cirie,Izzy, and Jareds idea together to throw out his name as an experiment

08/19/23 08:31pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
The target has shifted from Red to Cameron, back to Red, to Meme, to Bowie, and now on America
08/19/23 08:39pm (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
This is insane. This group just can’t make a decision to save their lives

The Izzie, Felicia, Cirie group are up in the HOH room just tossing names back and forth like a ping pong.

08/19/23 08:48pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
While in the HOH room they’re playing nomination roulette, Jared talked to Jag/Matt about a possible Red nom over Hisam bc Red is in a middle alliance with Meme/Bowie and outside their alliance they could also win an out them up. Jag told him they know for sure Hisam would put two of them up
08/19/23 09:17pm (9 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
America tells Matt is she needs to rehash any conversations throughout the day just to let her know
08/19/23 09:38pm (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
We’re at the Meme freaking out in the storage room part of the week

And it isn’t even Sunday yet!

08/19/23 09:54pm (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Felicia is talking with Bowie

And has been doing Jedi mind tricks to get Bowie into maybe keeping Hisam without even telling him. Slick

08/19/23 10:06pm (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Bowie is saying she thinks America is the most dangerous person in the house
08/19/23 10:14pm (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Cameron says there is a group of people that are tight as fuck
08/19/23 10:22pm (9 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
The more I listen to America, the more I think she’s really into Matt

Talking to Jag, she once again brought up Matt’s crush on Reilly.

08/19/23 10:39pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Felicia, Cirie, America and Bowie

are in the kitchen. Izzy is still in the diary room and according to Felicia, she has been in there for a long time.

08/19/23 10:43pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Matt, Blue and Jag

are in the backyard talking in general. Matt is such a cutie. They are looking at the chicken outfit that Jag is wearing which is probably a punishment from the veto comp. Matt says he gets nervous when he flies. Blue laughs and says when you fly, and matt says yeah in an airplane, my hands get sweaty. Blue says yeah I can imagine you just taking off and flying. Silly kids.

08/19/23 10:47pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25

funny conversation from the kitchen and Felicia goes, I know you know this Cirie, Neopolitan ice cream…Cirie says oh yeah we loved it and when we were little, we called it Napoleon ice cream. ha…I have not thought about Neopolitan ice cream in ages. This show makes me think of food items I have not had and then I order them. Watching this show is dangerous.

08/19/23 10:51pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Cam and Red are discussing

their plans and how they are so ahead of the game and what they are going to do. I think Cam is a little off, talking about Jury already after two weeks. But, Red does not want to take shots and get blood on his hands. Red is quiet when cam is saying they need to take shots. You can tell he is like oh no. Red says if things fall how they fall, he can think of final four. Cam keeps talking about the core four-Cirie, Izzy, Felicia and Meme. Cam goes I dont know what you want to call them, they are like the school board and calling the shots. No, Cam, they are the Bye, Bye, Bitches!

08/19/23 11:03pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Felicia, Cirie and Bowie

are in the HOH room talking about the voting on Thursday. I am calling these three the ice cream girls. Now I want my rainbow sherbert, dangit. America is a floater, a number to the other side and that she is not trustworthy, by the way she voted last week. So far, the other side does not want to draw the blood except Hisam and Cirie says. you see what happened with him. Cirie says if they are going to play with Jared and Cory, then they have to make sure they have them for the votes and include them in their numbers. Bring them in. Bring in the men so they feel included so they do not flip. If they feel left out on one side, they are going to float over to the other side if they are being more included in the process. They are pulling Cory and Jared in now to talk to them and get them involved in the alliance. If they tell Cameron he is part of them, that is going to be a big mistake. This is sounding like a bad idea.

08/19/23 11:22pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
The Make it Happens

A new alliance is formed. Felicia, Cirie and Bowie pulled in Cory and Jared. Before they came into the room, the three were speaking of voting out someone on the other side, mainly America. When Jared and Cory came in, they talked them into going back to backdooring Hisam. This group is flippy floppy and Cory talked some sense into them and now they are listening to Cory and going in the direction of voting in Hisam as renom. Here we go again, they should name themselves The Flip Floppers.

08/19/23 11:36pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Izzy comes out of the DR and goes to HOH room

and is like what is going on? They are updating her on what they just discussed and the plan going back to backdooring Hisam. She said, yeah, that shouldnt have changed, if they went the other way, it might blow up in their face. Yes it would. Now, stick with the plan!

08/19/23 11:52pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Mom and Son Moment

They had a moment after all the discussion about the vote.

08/19/23 11:53pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25

after they were talking about the vote, guess who came into HOH, HISAM! We were thinking that he may have heard them because they were loud and also I think Hisam is suspicious about the renom.

08/19/23 11:59pm (9 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Doing him Dirty according to cirie

Jag is in punishment with the chicken outfit and they just gave him a chicken nightgown and a chicken swim suit with swim shoes. Cirie is laughing and saying BB is doing him dirty. lol

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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
More stats to come!
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