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Sunday Feed Updates BB25 8/27

August 27, 2023 | 97 Comments
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Author: Steve Beans

Good morning, everyone!

It’s Sunday in the Big Brother house which means plenty of time to sit around and get paranoid, maybe flip the vote a few times, get more paranoid, stick with the original plan, and then sleep. That basically summarizes every day for this wild crew.

No matter what happens today, it’s going to be an interesting week in the house because there is about a 2% chance (if that) that Red uses veto which means Jag or Blue will be next to go. Cameron is super confident that Jag will be that person because he thinks that’s what his ‘alliance’ wants, so an easy week for him. Right?


The Golden Girls (Cirie, Felicia, Izzy) are scheming up a new plan to actually keep Jag and give Blue the ole boot. It couldn’t come any sooner because Jared and Blue apparently did the horizontal shuffle last night (or what looked like it) and also told her his mom was in the house. Here is the funny thing – Blue thinks it’s Felicia hahaha. These people are so dumb it’s painful.

It’s like the cast the dumbest people they could find so they can hand Cirie the check. Even she said how dumb they were last night. Everyone just keeps running to her to tell her any secret they found out. It’s really quite remarkable. We all thought Dan had the mist, but Cirie has this house under her complete control like a damn mob boss.

Put simply, Cirie is putting on an absolute clinic on how to dominate this show. So far she is making Dan, Will, and everyone else seem like amateurs. Alright, maybe not that far, but she is far and away the best social player this game has seen in a LONG time.

Let’s get to updates

Live Feed Updates For 08/27/2023
08/27/23 07:17am (8 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Good Morning Houseguests

Just a quick recap: the golden girls have made a potential plan to vote out Blue instead of Jag while keeping Jared out of the loop.
What we can hope for: Jag/Blue are aware that Izzy, Felicia, Cirie are in two alliances via America via Cory. One alliance with them (the Seven Deadly Sins) and one with Cam/Red (Legend 25). It would be amazing if Jag/Blue took this information to Cam and turned on the “real power” in the house.

Will it happen? Probably not. But we will see where the day goes

08/27/23 07:57am (8 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Golden girls are up and spiraling early this morning

Matt told Cirie people are taking about a final 4 with herself, Felicia, Izzy and Meme. They think this came from Bowie

08/27/23 08:02am (8 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Also- Jared “did the deed” with Blue in the pool room last night

Oh and told Blue that his mom was in the house. Didn’t say who- just his mom. Blue thinks it’s Ms Felicia as far as I can tell

08/27/23 09:40am (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Cory bitching to Izzy how he only gets like 15 minutes to talk to Cirie a day

Bro, get your own game!

08/27/23 10:45am (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
And everyone be sure to wish Mel a very happy birthday today!!!!!
08/27/23 11:19am (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Cirie meeting with Red

This dude really thinks he’s part of some real alliance with her. So cringe.

08/27/23 11:38am (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Red confirms to Jag that he’s definitely not taking him off the block

He didn’t say it in a mean way. They are just talking and said he probably wouldn’t use the veto to begin with because it would put Cam in a tough situation, but definitely wouldn’t take down Jag as he (J) is the only person who actually said Red’s name in terms of a target. If Red only knew the truth

08/27/23 12:29pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Cameras go to pet cam for some reason
08/27/23 12:44pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Felicia says Bowie picked up some pounds. Why so mean to her?
08/27/23 01:03pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
So last night as reported, Jared told Blue that his mother was in the house

Blue naturally thought it was Felicia despite the mountain of clues leading to Cirie. So today, Blue has been hovering around Felicia trying to be all nice and friendly lol.

08/27/23 01:08pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Little does Izzy and America know, but they’re sitting on Jared’s kids

Yes, that is the spot they did the dirty last night

08/27/23 01:11pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Blue still chatting with her future mother-in-law

It’s so hilarious she thinks it’s Felicia and how she’s kissing ass today

08/27/23 01:14pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Felicia tells Blue that she was having a grandkid

I wonder if Blue is secretly wondering if Jared has a kid. This is hilarious watching this knowing what Blue thinks

08/27/23 01:18pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Meanwhile, Cirie caught up with Jared and told him that Blue has to go

He isn’t a fan because she’s his ‘+1’. Sure that’s the only reason

08/27/23 01:19pm (8 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie is telling Jared that the group wants her out this week

(Cirie, Izzy, Felicia, Matt, Meme, Matt are voting to keep Jag) Jared says he doesn’t understand why they are taking “his people.” Cirie tells him not to tell Blue.
I’m interested to see if Jared tells Cory therefore signally to Cory he has been left out

08/27/23 01:21pm (8 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jared says he is “Done” with the group because they wanted to wait until the last minute to tell him about Blue
08/27/23 01:23pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Running out for an hour or so
08/27/23 02:08pm (8 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Meme invited Felicia, Cirie and America for the catered dinner tonight (her prize from the pressure cooker)
08/27/23 02:32pm (8 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Bowie is telling Red that Izzy/Cirie creates a lot of the confusion between the girls
08/27/23 02:38pm (8 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
In the kitchen Izzy is telling Jag to be leery of America and Cory

Cory is in trouble and SOON

08/27/23 03:25pm (8 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
In the yard, Red talking with Felicia and Cirie about family

Red’s birthday is this week and he hopes BB gives him a yellow cake with chocolate icing.

08/27/23 03:29pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
I’m back

Checking in on the house. Lazy afternoon. Going to check back for the last hour but don’t think much happened

08/27/23 03:48pm (8 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Red and Cam in the HOH room

Red tells Cam that down the line he wants this final five: Red, Cam, Bowie, Matt, Cirie. He also says if he wins HOH next week he wants to nominate Blue and America to keep Legend 25 together. Cam asks if the group feels more comfortable since the meeting yesterday. Red says that they do, but Izzy is making everyone in the group uncomfortable.

08/27/23 03:59pm (8 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Red to Cam- Right now, we aren’t floating we are playing. We’re the two biggest pieces (in the game)
08/27/23 04:23pm (8 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Blue- Want to get in trouble tonight? Jared- Sure. No point in hiding it now. That ship has already sailed.
08/27/23 04:28pm (8 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Bowie ranting to Red and Cam in the HOH room about Izzy and how she is constantly snapping at her

Cam asks if she has said anything specific to upset her

08/27/23 04:31pm (8 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cam says they all need to stay close to America because she is close to Cory. If they can worm their way in with Cory he can be a number for them and also keep them off the block
08/27/23 04:32pm (8 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Quick Note: CBS shared the episode would likely be delayed for the east coast tonight due to a golf weather delay
08/27/23 04:47pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Red thinks he has Cirie in his back pocket


08/27/23 05:15pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Going to be watching the CBS episode!
08/27/23 06:20pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Red even points out how Izzy wasn’t happy Cameron one and the damn fool still went after Jag and Blue
08/27/23 06:41pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Most hanging around bathroom chatting
08/27/23 09:09pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Hello! I took a nap break. Let’s see what’s happening on this Sunday night
08/27/23 09:12pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Feeds were down for about 5 mins and they came back with a bunch of people in the comic room

They are having a good time tonight

08/27/23 09:13pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
I have no idea what is going on

Felicia tells Cory he’s officially a fly guy and it cracked her up.

08/27/23 09:18pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Truth is though I left because I lost a match of chess and I was pouting

I get sad if I lose but legit get so angry when I hang pieces or miss hanging pieces which cause me to lose. If I just get beat by someone better it’s expected. Okay that’s my rant.

08/27/23 09:22pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
They are kind of cute tbh
08/27/23 09:43pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Izzy and Meme talking about when to let Jared know

Izzy really thinks Cirie didn’t tell him already? (referring voting Blue out)

08/27/23 09:53pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
America is in full blow heat at this point. She is doing anything she can to get Cory

They are super heavily flirting. They’re 100% kissing before end of season. Look at little Cory go

08/27/23 10:04pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
The golden girls gabbing about Red in the kitchen

Cory and America snuggling in bed and Blue is searching for condoms. Why is this my life

08/27/23 10:08pm (8 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Alright, house is winding down right now. They’re allowed to go outside and I can’t watch America and Cory anymore.

Just kiss and get it over with

08/27/23 10:50pm (8 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Cory and America

ah ok, she is tipsy or drunk and Cory just got up and she can’t find her sleepers but it seems like they are heading outside.

08/27/23 10:54pm (8 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Jag and Meme are on

the hammock just talking about the votes and going back to the Reilly days. Blindsides…It is what it is..

08/27/23 11:00pm (8 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Corey, America, Felicia, Cirie, Izzy and Blue, Jared

are in the yard sitting around talking about various things. It is definitely another slow night. cirie is going to bed with Felicia right behind her but first she is getting another cookie. Sounds like they had some good food today, Ribeye. Except the have nots…poor babies…Matt and Cirie are talking for a moment that it is critical the others don’t know Matt vote on their side. They will think it was either Cory or America.

08/27/23 11:02pm (8 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Izzy is attached to Cirie

I just wanted to say that, where Cirie goes, here comes Izzy…

08/27/23 11:05pm (8 months ago)
By: ShariBB25
Winding down, nothing exciting happenin

they are slowly going to bed, whispering here and there but nothing really significant….

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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
More stats to come!
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