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Week 11 Power Rankings

October 19, 2023 | 7 Comments
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Author: Steve Beans

Minutemen About To Become Last Remaining Duo

Jag – Jag is one of Big Brother 25’s elite houseguests. This cast, overall, probably won’t be remembered for legendary, game-breaking figures, but that does not mean each houseguest is on the same level or has the same awareness. Building competition wins is essential for strong resumes in this era of Big Brother and Jag has 5 (4 POVs, and 1 HOH) to boot. He broke apart this season’s power couple, America and Cory, with a little luck from two vetoes in play this week. And he will play in every POV comp as long as he survives one more week, thereby ensuring an opportunity to save himself. He could steamroll his way into finale night because no one else seems capable of stringing multiple comp wins. The remaining houseguests with the next highest comp total are tied at one (Cory, Matt, Blue, Felicia, and Bowie Jane).

Cory – Cory is a smart, subtle gamer who played well through the majority of the season. Unfortunately, it looks like his showmance with America cost him the game. Prior to entering the house, Cory spoke with Big Brother Canada 10 winner Kevin Jacobs about his experience on the show. It paid off for the  youngest cast member as he’s survived longer than most houseguests. Cory cut Cirie’s closest ally and son, Jared, on double-eviction night to that led to the house becoming completely open for grabs and forced Cirie to lay low. At the beginning of this week, he was safe alongside showmance partner America, but his time could be up on Thursday night. 

Matt – Matt ranks third due to his ability to win comps, his decent social game, and the fact most people will go after Jag before him. Matt has an outside alliance with Cirie and Cam probably blames Jag more than he blames Matt. I’m not sure if that is the case, but it would make sense considering Jag is visually pulling the strings with all his comp wins. Those are two votes for Matt if he makes it to the end and Cirie ends up in jury house. The Olympic swimmer has not won numerous competitions despite being in great shape. However, that illustrates how hard it is to predict who will and who will not do well in the various aspects of Big Brother.

Cirie – When Cirie enters a room, you feel better. Cirie, according to several interviews with reality TV stars who played with her in other shows, is described as someone who listens to you and makes you feel validated. She lifts you up. Yet, this angelic figure is a ruthless tactician  and does not hesitate to lie to advance herself or allies. Has anyone seen Survivor: Micronesia? Cirie will be safe for the next 2-3 weeks because America or Cory will likely follow the other into the jury house and Matt will protect Cirie for the long haul. I suspect that Matt believes he and Jag can beat Cirie in the final three. How would you feel if Cirie scraped her way into final 2?

America – Why did she tell Blue anything? America is one of the houseguests who often talks too much. Case in point: this week. Had she not told Blue anything, then Blue wouldn’t tell Jag what she said and Jag might have not considered backdooring America/Cory. Unless she already built a strong relationship with Blue, giving Blue inside knowledge only proved to be weaponized against her. By the time the jury phase hits, you already want to have deep relationships with enough houseguests who will (a) keep you in the house and (b) vote for you as a jury member. Unfortunately for America, I don’t see her getting any votes if she makes it to finale night. 

Bowie Jane – Much like Blue, the Australian houesguest has done very little pul the game in her favor. Her HOH reign was manipulated by Jag and Matt to do their bidding at the cost of evicting her strongest ally and, possibly, biggest jury supporter. Cam will not vote for Bowie Jane now and Jag or Matt (or both) will be sure to explain that Cam’s eviction was their play, not Bowie’s. Big Brother: Australia is a different game. Bowie watched the earlier seasons of that show, which incorporated more viewer participation and less backstabbing. Therefore, she was surprised and upset over the amount of lying while “allies” Cire, Izzy, and Felicia ruled the house. 

Blue – The New York City native won her first Veto of the summer at the perfect time. The episodes have tailed away from Blue’s perspective, which makes it hard to articulate much of her game. My rankings are based on the episodes and podcasts I listen to (Winner’s Circle, Rob Has a Podcast). She is probably not going to get a lot of jury votes.

Felicia – Her frustration toward Cory and Jag on the hammock in Tuesday’s episode could cost her a vote from Jag or Cory if Felicia makes it to final 2. The best thing Felicia can say is that she was part of the alliance that ran the house during the early part of the game. I think someone will clip her before then. She doesn’t seem capable of winning these late stage comps and her aggressive directness could cost her game. Big Brother tends to set up physically demanding challenges toward finale night so I would be concerned if I was Felicia.  

Cam – Evicted week 10

Mecole – Evicted week 9

Jared – Evicted week 7

Izzy – Evicted week 6

Red – Evicted week 5

Hasim – Evicted week 3

Reilly – Evicted week 2

Kirsten – Evicted week 1

Luke – Expelled week 1

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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
More stats to come!
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