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Big Brother 25 – Saturday Recap, Sunday Updates

October 29, 2023 | 44 Comments
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Author: Steve Beans

Good afternoon, everyone!

It’s Sunday in the Big Brother house which means it’s the nothing day! I mean after Jag won the veto yesterday, it’s really a nothing week until Thursday as there is zero chance Jag will use the veto so these noms are going to remain the same.

After the veto competition, they held a luxury comp for the house and apparently, Jag let Matt win and Bowie noticed. This made Bowie a bit suspicious, but Jag played it off as just repaying Matt for not taking the $5k from him during the Buddy Ball veto. So this quickly removed any bit of drama as Bowie was fine with that answer.

On the other side of the house, seeing as one of them are going to go, let’s just take a moment to appreciate the Cirie / Felicia conversations throughout the season. I’m going to miss things like this:

I don’t know why, but I love how open they are about talking about the rest of the house. Felicia always tells what is on her mind while Cirie actually drops her fake act to also talk real (and for Cirie fans, let’s be real. Any time she speaks to anyone other than Felicia, it sounds like she is in pain trying to be nice to them. She can’t stand the rest of the house)

I’m sure Matt fans won’t like that conversation, but I think it’s hilarious because it’s true. Nothing wrong with Matt having a crush on Reilly but if the three of them (Jag, Blue, Matt) were really crying over her – cringe.

Don’t expect a super eventful day but here are the updates…

Live Feed Updates For 10/29/2023
10/29/23 10:45am (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Good Morning, HGs.

Matt and Jag are in the kitchen. Felicia is out in the backyard. Looks like Cirie’s coffee cup and blanket is there also. Bowie made her grapes and yogurt to eat out back also.

10/29/23 10:48am (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Bowie and Felicia talk about how they have noticed they are aging.

Fe says she has wrinkle lines she hasn’t seen before. Bowie says her eyes have never looked this bad. Bowie says it is because the air is drying them out. She says it was 45° last night in the BB house.

10/29/23 10:57am (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Fe tells BJ she could get into a final 2 chair.

Fe tells her she would love for her to vote to keep her. Fe asked, “What are your thoughts?” Bowie says she would love to keep her around…that she is a character.

10/29/23 11:21am (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Matt, Jag, Bowie, and Fe speculate how BB decides whose family is invited out to the final.

Bowie doesn’t think they will fly her parents in from Australia. Fe says they would if she was final 2!

10/29/23 11:45am (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Jag tells the Mafia that Fe asked about the veto.

He told Fe he is probably going to keep the noms the same. Bowie tells them she is not going to talk game to Fe, so she says if Fe teies to tell them differently they will know it is her lying again.

10/29/23 11:54am (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Fun fact: Bowie calls the kitchen counter the kitchen bench.

She says Australians also call a bench like the ones by the pool a bench.

10/29/23 11:56am (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Matt and Jag play some pool

Every time I log into the feeds it’s small talk or no talk 😅

10/29/23 12:17pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cirie is out of the DR. Fe tells her she has talked to the guys about not “sleeping on Bowie Jane.”

Fe also noticed Bowie pulled Jag’s bedding off to wash for him.

10/29/23 12:19pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cirie gives herselfna pep talk in the bathroom about having to smile and talk to the “mutha suckas” another day.

She is not excited about it.

10/29/23 12:40pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie and Fe out at the patio

Fe tells me B she wants the family videos today. (I don’t think they still do those?) Cirie looks super annoyed.

10/29/23 12:43pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Matt and Jag pat themselves on the back agin in the kitchen for winning HOH this week

Yay! You did it. You made this week super boring to watch on the feeds ha

10/29/23 12:48pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie tells Fe Jag knows he isn’t using the veto.

Cirie wants to talk to Jag again but says if he’s upstairs she isn’t “going to chase him down.”

10/29/23 01:04pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jag and Matt study in the HOH room. Cirie and Felicia outside at the patio. Bowie in the DR
10/29/23 01:21pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Matt and Cirie at the patio

Matt says he can see Jag trying to get closer to Bowie now. Cirie says that Bowie may trust Matt more. Cirie says that she is really rooting for Matt if it can’t be her. (The heart strings) She says not to let them lead him the wrong way. Matt says that they (Jag and Bowie) haven’t pitched any different plans (except for the ones they talked about all last night about voting our Cirie).

10/29/23 01:22pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Matt says that he isn’t worried because he can break a tie

Cirie says she is going to check in with Jag, but she doesn’t want to seem nervous. Matt says if the plan does change, it’ll be Jags idea (pining for a jury vote much?)

10/29/23 01:28pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie says that Jag will argue to the jury that he USED Matt to get him to use his power on him

Matt argues that he’ll say he saved Jag. Cirie says that may not be enough

10/29/23 01:34pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie tries to tell Matt that if Fe gets to the end people will have to vote for her to win

She’s 63, played in 9 comps, been on the block 7 times

10/29/23 01:35pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie says there is no way she can win

Matt says there will be a bitter jury. Cirie argues there are too many super fans.

10/29/23 01:36pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
FBJ is back in the yard
10/29/23 01:46pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie checks in with Bowie. Cirie says she trusts them and isn’t going to worry

Cirie walks to the comic room and whispers “we’ll see how this goes”

10/29/23 02:53pm (6 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Been watching the Pats get smoked again

But it looks like the house got some cards so that’ll keep them busy this week

10/29/23 03:58pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
All the HGs are in the HOH room. They have set up a poker game with mini candy bars as money.

Cirie has won the 1st round. Matt is having to explain the order of winning hands to Jag.

10/29/23 04:49pm (6 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Still more cards in the HoH room. Cards, the only thing that can keep Felicia and Cirie in the same room with Bowie for more than 10 minutes
10/29/23 05:56pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie and Felicia chat in the kitchen

Cirie mentions that even the way Jag speaks is more arrogant. He called Matt a dumbass to his face and Felicia said it’s so annoying he’s playing dumb.

10/29/23 06:02pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
There is a slim possibility feeds could become more interesting later tonight. Jag, Mattt, and Bowie have mentioned drinking the wine they have been hoarding.

Matt and Jag are surprised to see real leaves in the backyard. The wind has been crazy today. They have REAL dirt and leaves back there on the turf. Matt said they should drink their wine and jump in the pool later! ha!

10/29/23 07:10pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Fe tells Matt that Bowie and Jag are “insulting” Matt

Matt said he can’t hear them, so it doesn’t bother him. Fe tells him what Jag has been saying and tells him to watch people’s behavior

10/29/23 07:12pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Fe tells Cirie that she pulled Matt aside and filled him in
10/29/23 07:58pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie and Fe argue about getting alcohol. Cirie says they should get some because Matt is hoarding the 2 bottles upstairs

They are getting actual mad about it

10/29/23 08:18pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Matt told Fe goodnight. I wonder if he is pretending to go to bed. I thought the Mafia has plans to drink wine tonight?
10/29/23 08:28pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Jag and Bowie talk in the Scary room. They DO have plans to meet in the HOH tonight! They are planning outfits for it too??

Jag loans Bowie an orange bandana. She says she is going to wear an orange top. They are serious about their outfits right now.

10/29/23 08:32pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
HGs got 2 beers and 1 bottle of wine from Mr. B!

Let’s see how they split this up!

10/29/23 08:40pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cirie and Fe talk in the Comic room about Bowie having her own bottle of wine. They are pissed. Bowie was the one to pour this new bottle into 5 classes!

Ooh…pretty bold of Bowie for sure. Fe says “Matt has done got tired of them.” No…Mama Fe…they have plans later! They are just pretending to shower before bed!

10/29/23 08:58pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
The Robes play cards on Fe’s bed using M&Ms for their “bids!”
10/29/23 09:01pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Fe says they should go back up stairs with their wine and play poker with those “m-fers.”

Ci says no she isn’t!

10/29/23 09:22pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Matt introduces a drinking game. They are starting on the small glasses of wine from Mr. B tonight.

The Mamas are downstairs playing their own games. At least they were given 2 decks of cards!

10/29/23 09:27pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
The Mafia’s outfits and group photos with their M hand signs…oh brotha (in my best Australian accent)
10/29/23 09:39pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Felicia has gone to the kitchen. Jag goes down to run interference.

Bowie and Matt say it was Blue last time that interrupted their wine party. They say that is why she had to be evicted. So now it is Felicia. They giggle and say maybe they need to change their minds.

10/29/23 09:47pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Matt and Bowie talk about her winning HOH next week so they can both have a block-free streak for the season.

If Jag wins HOH, one of them will have to go up. Bowie just almost volunteered herself. She says she doesn’t care.

10/29/23 10:18pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cirie came back to the kitchen for cheese curds and mozzarella sticks.

She tells Jag she knows they don’t need to talk. She knows she is good. She promises she has never been after them. She says she wishes nothing but the best for him and Jag.

10/29/23 11:03pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
HGs continue to play cards in their 2 separate groups.

DR sessions for Bowie and Jag interrupt the HOH room party as soon as they get the mamas back to their room.

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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
More stats to come!
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