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Big Brother 25 – Tuesday Feed Updates 10/24

October 24, 2023 | 42 Comments
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Author: Steve Beans

Good afternoon, everyone!

It’s Tuesday in the Big Brother house and things are slowly reaching a boiling point in the house.

It’s not really as dramatic as it sounds, as there aren’t any fights brewing, but more just tension with the direction of the groups. As it stands right now, Blue is going to the jury house except she is pretty confident she’s going to the final 3. Needless to say, it’s pretty awkward whenever she has conversations with anyone.

Yesterday, Blue was talking with Cirie and coaching her (yes, Blue coaching Cirie lol) on how to handle Matt and Jag moving forward. She mentions over and over how safe she is (which is a clear sign of safe she actually doesn’t feel) and then when she leaves, Cirie whispers to herself “what are we going to do”. Cirie would prefer Blue staying as she is the only one in the house who remotely has her back, so she’s been slowly working her mist.

On the interesting side of the house – THE WAR OF THE ROBES Need someone to photoshop Cirie and Fefe’s face on the War of the Roses movie poster lol

This morning, Felicia woke up with some spunk and immediately after the house was woken up, she went to speak with Jag. She told him all the latest news including Matt telling Cirie that they need to eventually get Jag out as well as Cirie’s plan to split the vote which forces Jag’s hand.

Yesterday, Matt had a talk with Cirie and is worried about Jag’s comp wins and realizes he probably doesn’t have a chance to beat him. So he started to ponder a post-Jag situation and wondering how to get him out. He didn’t really say he was going to go after him, but it sounds more like he wouldn’t mind if Jag just happened to get evicted.

Meanwhile, the split vote part was during a discussion with Cirie yesterday. Cirie told Felicia they should just split the vote and force Jag to break the tie which gets blood on his hands. They shouldn’t do his dirty work and help his jury management. Cirie – who actually has much better jury management – wants Blue to either stay or at least leave pissed at Jag and not her.

Naturally, Felicia told Jag all this which has surprised him quite a bit today. Stay tuned to the updates because this week has been interesting!

Live Feed Updates For 10/24/2023
10/24/23 10:05am (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Good Morning Houseguests

As Mel shared, it’s pretty slow in the house as Blue and America continue to campaign but it doesn’t really matter as Jag only wants to target “comp threats” to win the game. This is a very sad way to play BB, but hey- when production makes over half the comps physical … anyways… let’s see where today goes!

10/24/23 10:28am (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Fe and Jag in the HOH room

Fe says she has a lot of info to drop on Jag. She says that Matt and Cirie were thinking about taking Jag out at the double eviction or at the 5. Fe says she could pretend to go along with it to see what Matt says or … she doesn’t have another option. She said the whole house is coming after Jag.

10/24/23 10:31am (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Fe says she doesn’t want to blindside blue. She says she is totally convinced she isn’t the target

Jag says they can tell blue sooner than day off. (Poor jag hasn’t even woken up yet and is still yawning. Fe definitely thinks she is their third wheel)

10/24/23 10:31am (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Fe is up in the HOH with Jag

She is saying she doesn’t want to blindside Blue. She also tattle tells on Cirie saying Ci is stuck on the idea of making the vote a tie so Jag has to vote.

10/24/23 10:35am (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jag says that Cirie might be baiting Fe to trick her into voting for the wrong person.

Fe says Cirie wants Jag to break the tie this week. (Geez Fe is literally falling apart)

10/24/23 10:47am (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Fe says she is going to bring Cirie into the HOH and force her to tell Jag the plan to make Jag break a tie and put her on the spot

Now they want Matt in there too

10/24/23 10:54am (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Matt and America are just getting up.

They were excited to hear they slept til almost 11:00.

10/24/23 11:08am (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Fe got Matt and Cirie to follow her to the HOH
10/24/23 11:13am (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
America packing her bag on all 4 cams
10/24/23 11:18am (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Jag mentioned having a convo with Blue. Matt said even though they aren’t allowed to tell people they are leaving.

Cams cut to America!

10/24/23 12:21pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Blue, Bowie and America talk about relationships in the scramble room

Cirie and Fe in the kitchen. Cirie says she hates English muffins because they smell like pee

10/24/23 12:22pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Fe starts poking Cirie about “her plans” to cut Jag
10/24/23 12:31pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jag cam talks in the HOH room trying to coke up with something to say to America incase Cirie does decide to split the vote
10/24/23 12:39pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jag and Bowie in the HOH room

Jag tells Bowie about the split vote. Jag says they can let them do that- let them have blues jury vote, but they isolate themselves from America. Bowie “yea that’s good” (the extent of her game talk) Jag says that he’ll even tell blue which may smooth things over with her allowing him to keep both of their jury votes

10/24/23 01:02pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Fe and Matt in the comic room

Fe said she needs to know the difference between a chair and a stool incase they quiz them about the furniture

10/24/23 01:30pm (6 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jag, Bowie and America laying in the comic room talking about corys family

I’m taking a break, but be back soon!

10/24/23 02:20pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
BJ and Blue are having girl chats in the scramble.

Bowie says they can go to the same nail salon as Miley Cirus!

10/24/23 02:21pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Blue asked if Bowie has ever hit on someone?

Bowie says like make the first move? No no no. Blue says she just uses her eyes to make eye contact and make them want to come talk to her.

10/24/23 02:41pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Blue and Bowie have detailed out relationships and all things girly for the past 40 min.

All 4 camera feeds….

10/24/23 02:49pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cirie, Jag, and Matt hang out in the Comic.

Jag has laid at the end of Cirie’s bed. The cameras are not sharing much of their convo.

10/24/23 03:48pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Fe tells Cirie she thinks she has Jag set up to have to split the vote.

Fe says Jag told her he would do it if he needed to. Ci says oook!!

10/24/23 03:55pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cirie is in the kitchen. Fe, Matt, and Blue are in the living room.

Production has left Ci’s microphone on. She is cracking me up… talking shit on Fe after everything she says! Kudos sound and camera guys!

10/24/23 06:18pm (6 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Not much happening in the house tonight just some casual talk in the HoH room with Felicia baking in kitchen
10/24/23 06:19pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Ok, y’all…I left 2 hours ago and came back to Blue STILL talking about herself!

She is in the HOH now with a larger audience. “So my first time going out in New York…” I have decided she is a nervous talker!!

10/24/23 06:20pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Fe just asked Ci what their final 4 will be if they get rid of Jag?

She asks, “Me, you, Matt, and America?” Cirie says mmmhhmmm. Fe says she doesn’t trust that shit.

10/24/23 07:04pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
The Robes sit at the dining table looking at the picture wall.

They say Red and Cameron look all innocent. Ci says Red was all sweet until he got up on the block. They get stuck on Bowie’s age again. Ci has decided she is 43 and just switched the 4 and 3 to say she is 34. (close guess, Cirie!) They say America looks like a Real Housewife from TV. They said Cory was portrayed better in his picture than he is in real life. Blue looks like a little girl. Fe says the people at home are probably wondering why Jag is still there. Ci says, “because we simps…that is why!”

10/24/23 07:16pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Fe leaves the kitchen and Cirie talks to Poo (aka Jared) on the cams.

She tells him she loves him and misses him like crazy. She is proud of him, and that he saved her so many times. She hopes he has some new music out! (Has anyone heard Jared’s rap songs? I found them on Instagram.)

10/24/23 07:17pm (6 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Excellent work by Hillary!
10/24/23 07:43pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Everyone is in the HOH room. One HG comes up with a story prompt and they take turns around the room adding onto the storyline.

If you have missed Fe’s cackle of a laugh…or Blue being way too excited 2 days away from her judgement day, join us!

10/24/23 08:15pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
America starts a story about her birthday…it starts in New York.

It goes around the circle, everyone adding a little bit of the story. It goes like this: The party is at the best venue in NY with free drinks. Cory is there. His mustache is thicker than every. He is looking scrawny. He gets down on one knee and proposes with the most beautiful ring ever…..AND THEN THE WE’LL BE BACK SCREEN! We come back to Fe acting out a situation where Cory is having to protect his boo. Cirie ends it with the chef coming out at her party and it is no other than BOBBY FLAY! America loves it!

10/24/23 08:30pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
The fun is over. Mag, Blue, and America are literally sitting in silence in the HOH.
10/24/23 08:50pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Jag is telling Matt that Fe wants to talk to him.

He mentions that Fe says Ci said some things about him. Jag tells Matt he told Fe that they just have to decide to trust Matt. He didn’t give him the details that Fe told him that Matt was talking to Ci about a time when Jag is gone.

10/24/23 09:12pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
America is telling Matt and Bowie

that the vote being split worries her a little since they have been mostly unanimous.

10/24/23 09:25pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Jag tells America the vote may be 2-2, but he will break the tie.

He says they know who the target is. If they choose to vote for Blue, so be it. He says they are trying to manage jury votes.

10/24/23 09:38pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cirie tells Blue she wouldn’t leave America upstairs alone with Mag.

Blue jumped right up to head up there. Cirie told Fe she wouldn’t let America out of her sight if she was campaigning against her.

10/24/23 09:40pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
HOH convo has turned to cleaning up and eating snacks.
10/24/23 10:02pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Blue and Jag in HOH alone.

Blue is campaigning to Jag. He asks what her noms would be if she wins next? She says Felicia and Bowie. He asks what if Bowie takes herself down? She said maybe Cirie? She says she wouldn’t put either guy up. Here’s your chance, Jag! Tell her you are giving her boot!

10/24/23 10:09pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Blue says she just needs to survive Thursday, 2 times. Jag says you just never know until it’s done.

Blue says that is why she has been campaigning. She would never walk around all cocky and stuff!

10/24/23 10:16pm (6 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Blue and Jag study which comp on which week details.

Zzzzzzzz…they have made me ready for bed. GN 😴

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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
More stats to come!
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