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Big Brother 25 – Tuesday Feed Updates 9/26

September 26, 2023 | 66 Comments
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Author: Steve Beans

Good afternoon, everyone!

It’s Tuesday in the Big Brother house and still nothing is going on lol. This week is basically an intermission on the season which in it’s own way is kind of interesting.

These people have literally nothing going on in the house. No campaigning, no noms, nothing. So all they’re doing is hanging out while also slowly working in deals for the second half of the season. This is a very schemey week with some notable talks:

  • Cam and America have their little thing going where he tells her a bunch of stuff in what appears to be a small effort to work with her, but he doesn’t seem to be getting the vibe back so he’ll run and tell Jag and Matt to not trust her. This wasn’t helped when Cam asked America if Cory would target him and she had a little pause before saying no.
  • Cory and America have been working a backroom type of deal with Meme and Felicia as a new final 4. I think this – and most other alliances formed this week – are backup alliances if things fall that way. Meaning they don’t intend on actually working with each other but are using this as a safety thing to advance as far as they can.
  • That brings me to the Matt, Jag, and Cameron alliance which is almost certainly the same thing. Matt and Jag are definitely paired up but will easily cut Cameron loose if needed. This is just to prevent Cameron from winning and putting them on the block (IMO).
  • Blue has been kissing Jared’s ass in the event he returns, and he’s doing his typical gaslighting saying things like (paraphrased) ‘it’s telling how much Blue cried when Jag was safe compared to how she reacted when he (Jared) returned’ – yea, it could be because you give her shit all the time and she doesn’t actually feel safe with you? It IS very telling and should be a wake-up call for Jared, but he doesn’t see it that way.
  • Blue asked Cirie if her kids were in the house, who would they align with – what? This had to have been bait to see if Cirie would say something like ‘I think you already know that’ or something along those lines so they can break the ice on Jared – but Cirie definitely didn’t take the bait and just made up some shit.

As I said, a very schemey week (if that’s even a word). It’s basically halftime of a football game and they’re all regrouping and drawing up their plans for the second half. Is it boring feeds? Yes. But, I actually think this little break could help make the second half more exciting than it normally would have been.

Here are some updates….

Live Feed Updates For 09/26/2023
09/26/23 09:47am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Early risers

Good morning. There was some speculation yesterday about an early morning, but looks like Felicia and Jared are the only ones up and about. Bowie and Cirie were up for a sec, but went right back to bed I think.

09/26/23 09:47am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Good Morning houseguests

Yesterday was actually the most “eventful” of the week so far. Jag and Matt were swayed by Blue to really not trust America and Cory. America has tried to warn Cory of this change, but he doesn’t see it. Cirie’s name has slowly faded from being a target next week. We will see how today goes!

Felicia and Jared in the yard reading scripture l. Felicia prays for Jared. Jared says he had some good talks yesterday

09/26/23 09:53am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Felicia tells Jared maybe they shouldn’t go after a “big threat” if Jared wins hoh

They think Bowie Jane will be the next target. Jaded said he isn’t going to target Matt and Jag. Felicia thinks it’s best to throw the next HOH and they should just focus on the veto

09/26/23 10:27am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cirie asks Cam…

Ok, Cam…somethin or nothin today? Cam hopes somethin. He said even just another transmission would be somethin.

09/26/23 10:31am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Bowie, Cam, Jared, Felicia, Cirie hanging out in the yard
09/26/23 10:44am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Blue and Matt in HN room

They agree to both talk to Fe and Meme today at some point. They talk about what to satly about Cory and America. Seems like they want to keep people thinking they are good with the 2, bit maybe they aren’t!? Blue spun a 25 on the kick butt boot on the way out. Matt was surprised that she was “going to honor it?” Many times she will make it stop on a 1 or turn it to a 1…lol

09/26/23 10:47am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Blue, Jag, and Cirie talk about traveling

Cirie- if something happened to America where you live?
Jag- Tahiti.

09/26/23 10:59am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cam and Cory at the hammock

Cory says he has never leaked Cam’s information around the house. Cory says he is operating as if Cam is coming back in the game and therefore he needs to know where I’m he stands. Cam says he doesn’t know how much clearer he can be with what he wants to do moving forward. Cory says that have always been on the same page but also not. Cory says at this point in the game he trust one person fully.

09/26/23 11:02am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cory says the house dilemma is should they go after Felicia or the person that returns

Cam says he would just try to make sure everyone know how much of a target she should be. Then he will be on “borrowed time” with his “short shelf life.” Cory says he thinks his life may be longer than expected (ugh me too especially if he teams with Matt and Jag)

09/26/23 11:06am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cory says he was in a final 4 with Cirie, Izzy, and Jared like week 2-3

He explains to Cam how they got to the Izzy vote flip. Telling him about his relationship with Izzy m, where he stood with Jared and Cirie and how Jared created issues between him and Cam.

09/26/23 11:11am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cory tells Cam he wants to move forward with Cam, America, Jag, and Matt

Cory says he feels like his name is everywhere. He says Cam’s relationship is solid, but she did tell him about Cams conversation with her yesterday. Cam “yea she needs to stop f’ing up”

Cam says that he only alluded to his survivor secret to “warn Cory against Jared” without saying it. Cory says that’s the problem is they talk in riddles

09/26/23 11:14am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Side note: I really don’t enjoy listening to Cam and Jared.

Cam every conversation “Yea that’s what I said. It’s so simple. I don’t understand other people having their own thoughts”

Jared every conversation: “Dude bro, im over this stuff. You can’t trust nobody. I knew it too”

09/26/23 11:16am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cam: the fact remains that there are a lot of people left in this house. I want to be on the team that makes (moves) all of that happen.

They want to talk to Matt and Jag later

09/26/23 11:27am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cam says he wouldn’t campaign against America/Cory and he only did because they were on the block

Cam said “it’s not even a thing” now that they are off the block

09/26/23 11:30am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cam says he is honored his name is probably mentioned in every episode

Cory tells him that he (Cory) was in hot water earlier in the game for supposedly leaking info to Red/Cam

09/26/23 11:36am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cam says that he laid the ground work for the vote to get Izzy out (of course). He says he just “had to wait in his room” for the rest of the house to take over his plan. He did all the work in the front half

… breathe in breathe out

09/26/23 11:45am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
America, Cirie, Bowie, Jag in the comic room laughing and joking
09/26/23 11:53am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Backyard is closed.

Everyone agreed… is Scary Week…nothing scarier than having to be stuck inside with you all!

09/26/23 12:11pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
America tells Blue about the Felicia/Meme final 4 offer

Why would anyone tell Blue ANYTHING? How are people this bad at the game?

09/26/23 12:14pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
America also fills Blue in on her talk with Cirie yesterday
09/26/23 12:16pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
America mentions how much she trusts Cirie – after Cory told her how sneaky Cirie is

He literally told her about how Cirie convinced the dude on Survivor to use the immunity idol on someone else but America still trusts her? She is pretty bad at this game lol

09/26/23 12:31pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Blue turns around and tells Cameron that Meme and Felicia are ‘hella close’ with Cory and America.

Good job, America. No secret is safe with you lol

09/26/23 12:32pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Blue talks to Cam in the bathroom

She tells him most people are on the “Felicia train.” She adds a little song, “Choo choo chugga chugga BOOT BOOT!”

09/26/23 12:47pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Cory now telling Matt about the Meme thing

He says he doesn’t really trust her. He trusts Bowie more. He wants to trust Meme but has a hard time with that

09/26/23 01:11pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
BB gave the house big baskets (think Easter) with food and treats.

BB says the feeds want more shout outs and they offer this to them as a gift of appreciation from CBS

09/26/23 01:12pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Ms Felicia: “OMG seasoning pepper AND salt”
09/26/23 01:16pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
They start rapping about the baskets

Cirie is leading it

09/26/23 02:17pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Bowie, America, Cory, and Cam in the pool room

Cory talking about essential oils that his roommate would use. Now they’re trying to convince him to take a year off from school after the show ha

09/26/23 02:17pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Everyone else in the comic room studying
09/26/23 03:00pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Blue and Jared snuggling in the comic room

Blue spilling her day to Jared. She talks about how everyone in the house is “off the Cirie train” now.

09/26/23 03:05pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie and Felicia in the living room

They talk about hose Cam has played in every comp except 2 this year. Felicia is trying to say that is an “advantage” that people need to consider.

09/26/23 03:23pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Matt and Jag in the scary room

Matt is complaining than no one wants to share their baskets. He says everyone was scrambling to hide their stuff and called them vultures. He says it’s an “ick” for him when people are so selfish and don’t want to share. Jag chimes in and says it’s the same way when they get alcohol

09/26/23 03:26pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jag and Matt say they need to talk to Cam

Cam said he felt good with Cory because of their talk this morning, but Matt wants to talk to Cam and tell him that just yesterday Cory was talking about getting rid of whoever comes back in the house first. (Aka turn cam against Cory because blue told them too). Bowie comes in.

09/26/23 03:30pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Bowie says she feels good with Cory/America. She says they are doing the dirty work.

Jag says they (Cory/Am) are putting a big target on them. Matt says they are throwing them (jag/Matt) under the bus to the other side of the house. (Yesterday, America told Blue that Cory said Felicia wants to target Matt/Jag. Blue then told this info to jag/Matt before Cory did (and still hasn’t) So they don’t trust Cory/America anymore.)

09/26/23 03:30pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jag tells Bowie to talk to Blue so they can bring her in if Jared leaves
09/26/23 03:43pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cory and America in the pool room

Cory says that he gave Cam a lot of ego inflating today. He said “what this tells me is Matt/Jag have not been telling him stuff” (remember I said America tried to warn Cory yesterday that Matt/Jag were flipping on him)

09/26/23 03:44pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Jared and Jag in the bathroom

Jared tells jag Felicia has been apologizing the most to him

09/26/23 03:50pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Matt tells Bowie jag/Matt had made a final four with Cory/Am
09/26/23 05:14pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Most of the house in the kitchen/dining room hanging out

Jag/Matt playing pool upstairs

09/26/23 05:23pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Jared and his Mama in the comic

Cirie asks if Blue mention anything else about her and Jared. Jared lies but doesn’t do a very good job at it. He said yea…she keeps asking stuff…but then can’t come up with a lie. smdh Cirie tells him, “deny, deny, deny!” Matt comes in.

09/26/23 05:28pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
The whole fam

gathers for prayer in the kitchen with Mama Fe as she prays. This isn’t new…but tonight she said, “I want to hold hands tonight.” Cam holds hands with Matt and Cory. Cam says, “Hit it!” line he is starting the next song on the playlist. Cory tries to lick Cam’s hand and they all laugh. Mid prayer, Fe stops to ask what they are laughing at. She apologies to God. lol

09/26/23 06:34pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Sneaky, Cirie!

I am pretty sure she was covering her mic with a bag of some sort of snacks. Jared is in bed, and she leaned down and whispered to him a few short things. Production tried to turn her mic up, but it was just the snack bag crumbling!

09/26/23 06:50pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Back in the Comic room

Cirie got rid of her snack bag. Jared asks who she would put on the block. She said she promised Cory/America she wouldn’t put them up. Jared asked if she wouldn’t take a shot at Matt/Jag…cuts to “We’ll be roght back” screen. When it comes back, Jared says Cirie was the target last week if one of them came down.

09/26/23 07:05pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Alright, now I need to work and blog the live feeds to avoid any Ahsoka spoilers!

Cirie is in the bedroom with Jared (kinky) I’m going to catch up on that

09/26/23 07:08pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Mama and son chatting still

I think Jared said, “Fry them eggs.” Then he went through the list of people OTB for eviction and said fry Meme, fry Bowie…etc. Then he changed it to “smoke em” when they get down to her people like Matt. He has been chewing on a floss pick all day, so that was clicking around the whole time.

09/26/23 07:11pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Jared talking about being a target. He says he’ll be 3 steps ahead of them. Yes, out the door lol
09/26/23 07:14pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
How bored is the house? Jag is giving Cam letters and using the letter, they decide on what to talk about

They’re now talking about ducks

09/26/23 07:18pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cory and Bowie ride the bikes

They have been studying rooms. 15 hands in Scary, 7, 6, 5 red, gold, black logos…they seem to have it figured out! Cory says he needs to study again.

09/26/23 07:30pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cirie, Blue, Matt in HN

Blue says America told her about the F4 with Fe/Me/Co/Am…but says America is still targeting Fe. This is all old news to Cirie.

09/26/23 07:30pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Blue is filling in her mother-in-law on her conversation with America (of course)

America is so bad at this game lol

09/26/23 07:42pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cirie leaves…cheats on the butt kick boot, of course

Blue starts saying Cory/Am cannot win comps, but they think they are solid using the middle. They think Cory/Am may even throw the HOH comp to be able to stay in the middle.

09/26/23 07:53pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
America heads into the HoH room to talk with Matt (or yell at Matt)

Not really yell but she’s been talking super loud lately lol. Is she buzzed? Anyway, going to see if he re-tells any conversations

09/26/23 07:53pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Oh maybe she’s just talking loud for Matt. Yea that’s probably it
09/26/23 07:53pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Blue leaves HN to run down to get America

Matt says we will see if she tells me.about her other F4. America came right up. She is talking about Cam chatting with her first.

09/26/23 07:56pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
America just vomits out of her mouth

She tells Matt “obviously me, you, Jag, Matt are the final 4 for sure.” But she blabs about Fe and Meme next…keeping them comfortable. She DOES NOT tell about him about F4 with the ladies though.

09/26/23 08:37pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Blue and Felicia just have a gut feeling Jared is returning
09/26/23 08:42pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Felicia tells Blue that Cam may go after Cory because he wants to be alone with her in the jury house.
09/26/23 08:58pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
House talking about grilled cheese sandwiches. Now I want one
09/26/23 08:59pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
America, Cam, and Jag with Cory popping in chatting in bathroom about various things. Non game talk
09/26/23 09:36pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Feeds now constantly going back to the BRB message so with that, I’m going to watch some TV and I’ll hopefully be back!
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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
More stats to come!
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