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Big Brother 25 – Wednesday Feed Updates 9/27

September 27, 2023 | 73 Comments
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Author: Steve Beans

Good afternoon, everyone!

We’re finally nearing the end of this intermission with our regularly scheduled programming to resume tomorrow!

The big story of the week is the house slowly turning against Cory and America. Cory says he appreciates the week to recover from his DE win, but he doesn’t seem to realize that the longer the goes on, the more people realize that he and America are going to become a pretty big threat as comps become more brain-focused and less physical.

It also doesn’t help that even when people offer to work with them, like Felicia and Meme did, they immediately run and tell Blue who naturally tells Matt, Jared, and Cirie. In fact, the longer the season goes on, the more I realize how little America seems to understand the strategic part of the game. Or maybe she does and it’s just an act, but we’re more than halfway through the season and she hasn’t learned that you can’t trust Cirie OR Blue yet she spills to them both.

As I mentioned yesterday, Cory even told America how cutthroat Cirie can actually be, but America was misted within 5 minutes of chatting with Cirie and has been gushing over her since. I’m actually beginning to think that Cory may be the next one walking out the door depending on who wins HoH.

He’s safe with America and probably Bowie, but I think the rest of the house can easily be convinced to get him out. We all know Cam is just pining for it so he can be alone with America in the house which is creepy af. He has been following her around all week doing little things like trying to put his legs over hers while they’re sitting there (she pushes them off).

To be fair, she doesn’t exactly help matters by asking him to join her in the shower, but after having some BB conversations with Jennifer, we agree she’s probably in a position where she kind of has to flirt with Cam in order to prevent him from getting whiney and pouty and target her & Cory. We’ll see if she still flirts with him in a week or two when things settle down and the house isn’t in a constant state of worry about who will win the next HoH.

Damn I ramble more and more. Alright, time for feed updates…

Live Feed Updates For 09/27/2023
09/27/23 10:02am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Good Morning Houseguests

Players are up and brushing their teeth

09/27/23 10:27am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
America and Blue in the bathroom

America is telling her about her talk with Cory regarding her flirting with Cam. America says that “Cory didn’t give a shit” about her flirting and how Cam has made her uncomfortable so they had to talk about it (cams cut just as they do everytime the houseguests talk about Cam being weird towards women)

09/27/23 10:46am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Cirie and Jared pray together in the comic room praying that Jared gets to stay in the house
09/27/23 10:56am (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Cirie talking to herself about how all they do is talk and talk and talk in the house. Who wants to talk so much?

I completely understand this lol. I could NOT handle all the daily small talk every single day. I’d just want to be alone and quiet too much where I’d get booted

09/27/23 10:58am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cirie seems in a bad mood…

She was complaining to Jared about evryone so “on it” and loud in the living room this morning. She mentioned how loud Cory and Bowie were. Not 1 min later…enters Bowie. Of course B talked 100 miles a minute for 5 min. As soon as she leaves, Cirie the cameras how when she leaves she doesn’t want to talk topeople ever again. She says all they do is “talk talk talk talk talk!” She was alone for about 1 min and enters Mama Fe….talking to her! LOL

09/27/23 11:04am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Felicia tries talking game with Cirie

Mid sentence, Cirie asks “what happened on Day 2?” They move into going comp by comp, studying the details.

09/27/23 11:22am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Jared is giving Cory relationship advice.

He tells him he shouldn’t have answered “no” to America asking if he gets jealous with her flirting. Cory tells him he and Jared have different skill sets. Ha!

09/27/23 11:54am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cory and Bowie play bumper pool. Their competition with each other is 48 wins for Cory, 17 wins for Bowie!

Cirie lays and watches.

09/27/23 12:05pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
“I don’t feel like ass-kissing today!” Cirie talks in her mic alone.

Cirie says she didn’t bring any chapstick and her lips are chapped. She says she would rather watch paint dry.

09/27/23 12:10pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Matt, Jag, and Felicia watch Mecole flat iron her hair.

Fe yawns every few min. She poses the question of how does the dynamic change whether Jared or Cam stay? Jag says idk and Fe goes back to yawning.

09/27/23 12:17pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Bowie is on to playing against Jared. Cory got the Diary Room.

Cirie, Blue, and Cam watch. This house is making me want to nap now! (and I am allowed to nap at my house! Ha!)

09/27/23 12:39pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
America tells Mama Fe that she and Cory stayed up and talked last night.

Am tells her she heard that he didn’t care. She asked him. He said he really cares for her. He said out of the show, he does want to get to know her. She said they have a list they want to do together when they leave. She is all smiles.

09/27/23 12:42pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Matt and Meme in HN

He tells her he is not sure about a huge alliance that includes everyone. He tells her he is going to put either Jared/Cam and then maybe Bowie. Typical Meme style…she just says mmhhmm, yea, mmhhmm every once-in-a-while. But then she does tell him she feels as if she doesn’t really have anyone.

09/27/23 01:10pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Meme and Matt are talking. It’s always weird when two people who rarely talk are alone

They have awkward conversations about the season. Trying hard to do game talk but know they don’t roll with the same circles so it ends up just being a rehash of recent competitions and such.

09/27/23 02:04pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Everyone has little cleaning jobs today. Cory had to scrub the shower earlier.

Meme is so bored, she is organizing the pillows in the game room. Black, gray, pattern, sparkly, black, gray…

09/27/23 02:08pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Jared and Blue have fit on a gurney in Scary.

He says it sucks packing. I guess he didn’t have time to pack last week. He tells her Cam will be up for working with yall if I leave. (meaning her and his mama)

09/27/23 02:18pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Jared tells Blue she has a bed in the Scramble…but she has been sleeping on the gurney they are laying on.

She says it is better than all the *kiss, smack smack, kissy, kiss.* They laugh. He says the Comic is mad loud with snoring. Felicia was singing again last night too.

09/27/23 04:02pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Cory just having some game talk with Felicia which I’m sure he’ll tell America who will tell Blue because that’s this season in a nutshell
09/27/23 04:08pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
And just like that, Cory is telling America
09/27/23 05:41pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Oh wow. Blue doing some camtalk

She mocks Cory being the brains and people thinking she’s just the ditzy little influencer who needs people. Yes, the girl who talks about her ‘tiktok career’ while hanging on to every move by Jared and Cirie is upset that she’s portrayed exactly the way she’s acting.

09/27/23 05:44pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
It’s so cringe watching her camtalk knowing how little she is liked by fans.
09/27/23 05:56pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
New cover from the movie Almost Famous
09/27/23 06:50pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Bumper pool upstairs and cooking downstairs. So I’m going to get some dinner myself!
09/27/23 08:03pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Felicia and America whispering in Scramble

America tells her people are thinking Bowie and Cam OTB. Fe says she hears Cirie is good with everyone again. Matt comes in and Fe asks to chat with him. They head to HN.

09/27/23 08:09pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Matt tells Fe that the person that stays and Bowie will be put up.

He also says there are no alliances right now. Fe tells him that Cory told her maybe Fe/Meme are going up. She asked Cory why not Cirie. Matt says it will just be best if Jared goes. Fe thinks Cam will put Fe/Cirie up.

09/27/23 08:17pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Jared and his “bro” laying in his bed.

He tells her she can fully trust Cirie. “She won’t ever turn on you.” he tells her. Blue responds that she won’t on Cirie. He stares at her and reminds her she told him the same thing. They just stare. She giggles. He said her bad trait is that she is good about getting past it and forgetting…but her pride needs to allow her to feel bad about what she did.

09/27/23 09:11pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Matt and Jared in HN

Jared says Mama Fe has been pressin ghim for his noms if he wins. He thinks Cory told her he said her name. Matt says she has been nervous.

09/27/23 09:21pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
They are praying for Jared’s return tomorrow
09/27/23 09:22pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cirie holds her hands out to pray with Mama Fe and Blue

“Let Jared stay for the sake of the house.” Blue says for TV sake, Jared will make a better story because he can start over and have a chance. She said Cam has nothing.

09/27/23 09:39pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Blue went to eat ice cream. Meme is in the kitchen.

They agree that Cam is a big target. Meme says she is irritated that Camerica have been telling so many lies. “Stop playing with me!” Meme wants to tell Cory. Blue says it will be over in 2 days when she wins HOH.

09/27/23 09:58pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Jared is up in the HN room complaining about Felicia

How hurt he felt from her

09/27/23 10:30pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Cirie and Felicia are having a casual chat in the bedroom. Felicia mentions how everyone is fighting to keep America. Cam wants her in the jury house. Cory obviously wants her

She is worried she may be the next target – she has a reason to worry!

09/27/23 10:46pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Jag is wearing the pig suit pajamas.

He even put the hat (ears/nose) on over his turban.

09/27/23 10:49pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Blue and Jared in pool room…their spot…under the purple dog blanket.

She asked him “pawprint tonight?” earlier in Scary with Matt and Bowie. Jared asked if they knew what pawprint meant? He thrusted his hips forward. He acted like it was a joke, but then added “if you see that purple blanket upstairs, I wouldn’t use it.

09/27/23 10:51pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cam makes pancakes for everyone in the kitchen. Everyone is bragging on how good they are.

Cirie says they are really good…”way better than I expected.”

09/27/23 11:01pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Blue and Jared talk about sleeping in Matt’s room together.

Then Blue mentions just sleeping there by the bumper pool. Jared speaks in his mic, “Say thank you if we can’t sleep here.” Mr. B says “Thank you!” Jared thanks the crew.

09/27/23 11:03pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Blue says he needs to get a good night’s sleep.

He asks if he can have a “good start” to the day tomorrow? Blue asks but where though? J says Matt’s room after he gets up.

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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
More stats to come!
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