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Big Brother 25 – Thursday Chatter / Updates

October 19, 2023 | 3 Comments
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Author: Steve Beans

Good afternoon, everyone!

Just a reminder, Big Brother is on after Buddy Games tonight which is on after President Biden addresses the nation. So anticipate around 9:20pm est

Here we are, Thursday we meet again. But, only a few more times this year. That’s right, after today, there are only 2 more Thursday shows like this before the finale. That’s it, just 2. Pretty crazy considering there will be 7 people in the house after tonight which means they need to get rid of 4 people before the finale which usually eliminates the last player going down to final 2.

It’s possible they can go into finale week with 4 players, but it would still require an extra elimination on finale night (or week) and that would still require another double eviction. Perhaps they’ll do a triple eviction in the next two weeks which would make the most sense.

I’d actually prefer a double eviction next week and then a Halloween eviction before another eviction on Nov 2nd. If that happens, we’d be down to the final 3 on the 2nd which creates the most boring week of the season.

But put simply, they need 2 more double evictions before the end of the seasons. That can be 2 DE nights, 1 Triple, or 1-2 Tuesday evictions.

Regarding Cory, I know I tried to give people hope this week, and there really was. The mamas were really talking about keeping him twice. The problem is, he really fucked up by playing too hard, and that all caught up with him last night when the dinner table started comparing notes. Even without that, there was still a super longshot chance of him staying, but unlike Cameron last week, he actually did have a path to stay.

He really just needed to convince Cirie and Felicia to keep him and they would have grabbed Blue. And his argument wasn’t bad. Without being direct, America is terrible at comps and he gives them a better chance at beating Matt and Jag while not being a threat himself (like Cam). Cam tried to use the same argument, but his held less weight because that was just swapping problems. Use a comp beast to get a comp beast out and you’re still stuck with a comp beast to deal with.

But he insisted on going to Blue, insisted he could flip Bowie. He lied to them both about things the mamas said and that was it. Cory will be a formidable player once he goes home and studies his mistakes because he’s really not bad, but just made a few mistakes at the end.

Here are some updates while the feeds remain up until the live show!

Live Feed Updates For 10/19/2023
10/19/23 09:50am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Good morning, HGs. The Robes are in the bathroom talking game.

Ci asks what keeping America is going to do for them? Fe says nothing, but keeping Cory is going to sabotage them! Fe says if Matt wins HOH this week, they won’t be OTB. She says she needs to talk to Jag again, because he told Fe he wouldn’t put Bowie up. Mag both said they will put Blue and America up. Fe says she is going to mention he and Blue just making up. Ci thinks she will be saying too much! Cirie says Jag won’t put Bowie on the block because of the way she cried yesterday and she wasn’t even UP OTB! Fe says she will ask. Ci says for her to TREAD LIGHTLY!

10/19/23 10:18am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
All room lights are on and Fe is helping the wakey wakey process by vacuuming!
10/19/23 10:41am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Blue tells Bowie Cory told her she has a final 3 with Mag.

She says she almost trusted him because Cam said the same thing. Bowie’s face was funny…but she counteracted Blues thoughts with “but what about the 4? And I think they had a final 3 with Cam!?”

10/19/23 10:42am (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Blue and Bowie in the bathroom

Blue says they should stick together because everyone is in a duo but them

10/19/23 10:42am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Blue says they need to use the idea that they are not in a duo to their advantage.
10/19/23 10:47am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cory rolls out of bed in his boxers.

He tosses America her shirt and heads to the shower. She and Matt (still wearing his eye mask) are in Scramble.

10/19/23 11:23am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cory hangs out in the bathroom while America showers.

Both say they don’t know what their speech will be for tonight. But they both have the start of a speech ready.

10/19/23 11:33am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cory is wanting to predict what Julie will ask him.

America jokes that Cam is going to show up again on stage in his zombie suit. He says he wants to shave his mustache off. America says she likes it!

10/19/23 11:35am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
America says Fe thinking people will take Cirie to the end is crazy!
10/19/23 11:52am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Blue heads to Comic to talk to The Robes.

She says Bowie may not be as close to Jag/Matt as they think. (she’s wrong) Blue says thwy should get America out first, then she will get close to Bowie.

10/19/23 11:54am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Fe asks Blue who Mag would put up?

She says, “Could be one of yall.” (meaning Fe or Ci)

10/19/23 11:57am (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Ci is ready for her punishment superhero costume to be over.

Blue asks Mr. B to release her from the shackles of BB punishments! Ha! They all think she will havr to wear her unitard for the live show though.

10/19/23 12:01pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Jag and Matt talk about throwing the comp to Bowie if they are the last 3.

If Bowie can’t win…he says he doesn’t want them to throw it to anyone. If they need to win, he says win! Matt says he doesn’t want to throw it. Jag is trying to make it make sense.

10/19/23 12:01pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Animal feeds are up now!
10/19/23 01:23pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cameras were back up for a min

Cory was watching America do her makeup.

10/19/23 01:34pm (7 months ago)
By: BBbigfan
Felicia and Cirie studying in the comic room
10/19/23 01:57pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Now Cory is watching America pack.

He has been packed since yesterday I think.

10/19/23 01:59pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Matt meticulously irons his whole outfit every Thursday!
10/19/23 02:04pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cory is excited that he and America have 2 comp costumes that match!

“couple costumes!” He says he wants to see the red swimsuit production didn’t allow in the house. Bowie comes in…Cory tells not take his DR sessions personally.

10/19/23 02:10pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Matt has joined Felicia and Cirie to study.

Fe is quizzing him.

10/19/23 02:14pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cory said his advice would be to get in lean, strong shape to new candidates.

America says it didn’t used to be that way. She said it used to be just regular ol, everyday people.

10/19/23 02:16pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Contrary to what it shown in the live,

America is packing her 4th bag. She has 2 duffle bags and 2 suitcases.

10/19/23 02:30pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Jag has joined Matt/Fe/Ci in Comic.

He explains his family, their hair, their beards…some wear a turban, some don’t.

10/19/23 02:43pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
America tells Cory she is going to sleep in the HOH room tonight.

Cory says he would bring back Jen, Maggie, Marvin, Adam, Michelle and Reny, Ollie, and Russell, Matt Hoffman, Shelly, and Chef Joey and Helen….he went on and on! Sorry…he started going episode to episode….too much!

10/19/23 02:57pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Uh oh…Mama Fe is noticing change in the guys’ behavior.

She is telling Cirie that Matt and ajag aren’t talking and are acting weird toward them. She has noticed Blue and Bowie seem calm.

10/19/23 03:20pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Matt tells Cirie Cory and America are upstairs.

He says either they are saying goodbye or prepping each other for next week!

10/19/23 03:22pm (7 months ago)
By: hillaryd
Cory/America are talking about the mamas hating Bowie.

Cory says they need to grow up. He then reflects on yelling at people. He said that was wrong with him as a player. Am tells him Jared was just frustrating.

10/19/23 06:51pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Julie says big news about next week. I’m going to guess it’ll be a Tuesday eviction.
10/19/23 07:16pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Cory – “Jag was just looking for a reason”. This is true. It’s why I haven’t blamed America here. Jag was looking for a reason and if it wasn’t America it would have been something else. It was a good game move.
10/19/23 07:22pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Double eviction next week. This means either another double a week after, a 4 person final week, or a Halloween eviction
10/19/23 07:36pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Reminder – Feeds won’t return until at least 1:20am est.
10/19/23 10:39pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Feeds have returned!
10/19/23 10:51pm (7 months ago)
By: Steve Beans
Neither Matt nor America won HoH
If you would like to see more feed updates, Visit our feed update page here
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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
More stats to come!
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