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Big Brother 25 Tuesday recap for 10:31/23

November 1, 2023 | 12 Comments
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Author: Mel

Good morning everyone and welcome to November. This ones late today so sorry about that! There’s not much to recap but this is what I’ve got…

Yesterday was another slow day in the house and moving forward, every recap is probably going to start this way. That’s just the way it goes with only five people in the house. At least yesterday started with something positive.

Felicia and Cirie hugged each, said they loved each other and hoped to continue their friendship after this is over. I didn’t think that would happen for awhile there but I actually think it might. It’s because they both apologized for throwing each other under the bus at times. They both acknowledged doing it so getting that out of the way now probably helps a bit. (They don’t have to be surprised later. It’s not like Cirie didn’t already know anyway) Felicia told Cirie her being in the house was the best thing that could’ve happened to her this season. I agree with that too.

I don’t think Cirie helped Felicia in the way she helped Matt, Blue and Jared. She’s a good game player and gave them good advice. Felicia never listened to anything Cirie said related to game but she helped her on a personal level. Having someone in the house close to her age and could relate to had to be a huge benefit for the both of them.

After hoping all the shit talking would die down from Matt, Jag and Bowie, I was disappointed. It continued on through yesterday too. I hit the highlights yesterday but I’m not even bothering with that today. It’s just more of the same. There’s only a couple of relevant things. The plan to try and break Felicia this week is still a go. (As Jag says, “they don’t want that smoke” but hey, go for it dummies) After telling her she was staying, they’re thinking about backtracking now. Bowie said if she’s comfortable she may study but if she’s upset, she won’t. They don’t want her studying anything for the next comp.

The other thing is their irritation with her comfort level. Matt was really pissed off when he found out Felicia was making plans for a final 2 speech, if she was in the end. He said she should be campaigning against Cirie instead and should be throwing her under the bus. Like in the recap yesterday, they told her she’s safe but they’re mad, because (according to them) she’s acting like she’s safe.

Cirie and Felicia talked about Matt being hurt by Jag when Jag takes Bowie to the final 2 over him. They’ve nailed what’s happening but don’t fully realize it’s something Matt is a part of too. They were both told again they were staying by Jag but they also talked like they don’t know who’s staying. I don’t think its all about tricking the other one either. Neither of them are really that confident they’re being told the truth.

Matt and Jag talked again about the things Felicia said to Matt the past couple of days. (It was when Felicia said Jag and Bowie were making fun of Matt whole they were working out) Matt had told Felicia he hadn’t heard it. Jag was upset over it and said Felicia must’ve misunderstood whatever she was talking about.

He acknowledged it wasn’t like her to say something like that so he didn’t think she was actually lying. (He also wants Cirie to leave and doesn’t want a reason to evict Felicia) This opinion could also be because Bowie said if Felicia was using Matt’s lack of hearing in the game, they should evict her. For the record, Felicia wasn’t making things up but I also think she’s wrong about what Bowie and Jag were doing. (She also wasn’t trying to use Matt’s deafness in the game) As usual, Felicia thinks something and then it becomes true in her mind. That’s the only thing that was happening in this situation.

Jag has a dry sense of humor which Cory and America related to well. I’ve noticed when he does it with some of the others, it doesn’t come off as well. I think it had alot to do with why Jag, America and Cory liked hanging out together so much. (I’m not saying Jag isn’t being obnoxious this week. I just don’t think he was in this situation) Part of what Felicia talked about too with Matt was saying she thought Jag had a F2 with Bowie. Naturally, Jag laughed it off and said he didn’t.

Yesterday, I mentioned how Jag planned to lie about how the final hoh comps works, hoping Felicia would throw the next one. I think production may have told him he couldn’t lie about it. He came out of the diary room and told Matt and Bowie he got some clarification on how it works. The feeds cut before he got into it any further. The funniest part for me was Jag thinking this would even work. I’m not saying Felicia doesn’t get confused on some of the details. She does, but she’s watched more BB than all three of them combined.

They got to have their Halloween party and were given some lame costumes but they seemed to enjoy them. (I think the costume budget must have been about $25 and I don’t mean each) They also had some takeout and got to carve some pumpkins.

Matt carved an “R” and an “M” in his pumpkin:

They got the camera for pictures. This is the 3 of them removing Cirie and Felicia’s pumpkins because they didn6t want them in their picture. (Its like they’re in elementary school)

There was another bizarre alcohol situation when they were given six beers to share. This meant they each got one but there was one left over. Jag told Bowie and Matt they needed to divide it among all 5 of them. Matt said Felicia and Cirie had already had their share. Bowie and Matt kept pretending they didn’t understand simple math and it was a bit uncomfortable to watch.

After arguing over the math, Bowie divided it up in 5 glasses and it’s the most strategic things I saw her do all season.

She poured as Matt leaned in to check the measurements.

They wanted to make sure Cirie and Felicia didn’t get one drop more than they did. (All of this thought put into dividing 1 beer, 5 ways!)

Checking once more to be sure:

Bowie told Jag, it stressed her out when Julie was pressing them for an answer during the questions comp. She’s decided they probably don’t actually have a time limit and it doesn’t matter. She’s of the opinion they can probably just ignore Julie if that happens again. (I’m anxious to see how that plan works out for her)

Cirie liked her wig:

Bowie didn’t:

Well, it’s not looking like they plan to tell Cirie she’s leaving. They make cave and do like they usually do and tell her shortly before the live show. Other than simply being chicken shits, this doesn’t make any sense. If they’d told her yesterday, she’d have two full days to be irritated, get over it and shake It off. It could send her into the jury feeling good about at least one of them. My only hope is that she doesn’t leave thinking Matt got played and I think that’s what’s going to happen.

Felicia and Cirie found a heart on the floor. They put it on Cory’s dresser. As they walked off, Cirie said “oh Cormerica.”

Izzy and her girlfriend Paige went as Americory for Halloween. That was cute. (Yes, I prefer Americory to Cormerica):

The Bookends alliance will be coming to an end tomorrow:

Have a great Tuesday!


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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
More stats to come!
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